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"Nikita, wake up honey you're going to be late for school." Said my mother in a very tired tone.

She hasn't been herself ever since dad left. She's been sleeping more, eating less and getting drunk often. She looked like a mess. Her cheek bones were sticking out more and more everyday, if she got any skinnier she would probably be turned into dust.

I sat up in my bed and looked at the clock, 7:45am, oh crap I was going to be late. Why didn't my alarm clock wake me up?

I jumped out of bed in a hurry grabbing any shirt I could find and my black torn skinny jeans and Putting the outfit on.

While trying to put my makeup on I was also trying to pack my bag. My secret crush ~ Michael Ferrous the football team captain ~ thought I was smart. Rumour had it that he totally digs hot smart girls and I totally had the hot part down.

I ran down the stairs with my long black hair bouncing after me. I grabbed my keys from the hook and walked toward my car when I bumped into Alex ~ the guy my friends like to make fun of, I know that sounds terrible but it's all harmless fun.

He looked sad as always since his mom passed away and I felt bad for him having to walk all that way.

"Hey Alex? Want a ride to school?" He looked at me sceptically but reasonably walked in my direction.

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" He asked in a soft - no care in the world - tone, I feel horrible that my friends make fun of him but I can't do anything about it as it would ruin my reputation and my chances with Michael.

"Nope. As long as you get out before we reach school."


I got into the drivers seat and waited for Alex to get into my car. He took forever to get in, he was chubby.

~ on my way to school be there in 10.~ I texted Taylor while I Waited for Alex to get into the car.

We finally got to school, I made Alex get out just before I entered school. I couldn't let anyone see me driving him to school.

I parked in my usual spot right in Front of the school entrance. I turned to lock the passenger seat door when I noticed something on the seat. It looked like a little book.

My curiosity getting a hold of me I opened the book to see " I wish I could stand up for myself, to face my fears and be a better person." scribbled all over the pages. It was probably Alex's. He was probably the only guy that couldn't stand up for himself.

I stuffed it into my bag and walked toward our morning table, I would have to find Alex and give it to him later. Only Maddie and Taylor were there, Dylan was probably with her boyfriend Todd somewhere making out, those two couldn't keep their hands off of each other even if they tried.

"Hey! Toats missed you guys!" I squealed.

"What took you so long?! I need your makeup bag stat!" She grabbed into my bag and pulled out my makeup bag bringing Alex's book tumbling out after. "Oh what's this?" She asked and opened it.

"Look it's nothing just leave it." I begged and tried to take it back but she just grabbed it away.

"Property of Alex Goodwin, what even is this? Is little Alex not getting what he wants? " Laughed Maddie.

I felt kind of bad for Alex. I couldn't imagine how his life must of been with his mother who's passed away and on top of it getting bullied at school. He's the good one in all of this, but I need to forget about it.

I couldn't let that get to me, I had to keep my mouth shut and get that book.


Lunch time came and Alex was sitting all alone, as usual.

"Nik, it's time." Said Taylor as she pushed the book in between me and my food.

"Time for what?" I asked.

"It's time you prove yourself and publicly humiliate Alex." She chuckled. "Its your chance to get with Michael." I glanced in Michael's direction, he was looking super hot today but I had to ask myself, is he worth it?

"Wh-what ? I can't do that!" I stated.

"Oh but you can." She said pushing me to stand up.

I gulped but knew that if I didn't do this I would probably lose my friends and I needed them, so I got up and started reading it all out loud.

I glanced at Alex and he was staring at me with tears streaming down his face. I felt bad but I swallowed my pride and kept going.


Waking up the next morning was not fun. I hadn't had any sleep last night. None at all. I had been thinking about Alex and how I had been so mean to him. I needed to apologise. He tries just for us to push him back down and it wasn't fair.

I got up out of bed dreading the day ahead, I was probably going to lose my spot in Taylors group but this was something I had to do. I had to apologise.

I walked to the bathroom, grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. I felt weird this morning, almost like this was a dream. It felt as if the whole of yesterday and this morning was all just a dream but sadly it wasn't. I ruined a guy who just wanted a friend. I was capable of being that friend. It's too bad I was a big brat towards him. I had no idea what he was going through, how could I be so ruthless?

I picked my head up and got a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror before I went out for the day and was shocked at what I saw.

My eyes were blood red and I had two pitch black wings sticking out from my back. I had a pale complexion and besides my know it all expression I looked like a totally different person.

My back started to itch and my eyes started to burn. It was like nothing I've seen before. There was a blinding white light that was slowly but surely fading away and next thing I know,finally, darkness surrounds my being and I can feel myself drifting away...

Hey guys thank you for reading :) please vote and comment and say what you think. It's a pretty short chapter but don't worry they will get longer. Thank you :)

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