
Down in the lobby of the building, Fleur found herself walking along her fellow dancers who were gushing about the party they were going to tonight. When she refused their invitation, Amanda, a petite girl with round black eyes and a mass of curly red hair, frowned at her. “But it’s Saturday night Fleur; you cannot truly be planning on spending it in your apartment watching boring TV shows as you eat takeouts. Live a little, girl!”

While others agreed with Amanda, Fleur shook her head, even though it was exactly how she had planned the night, “You guys should go ahead; I will join some other time.” She said as they exited the building.

The scene outside was no different from what it had been from last one week; snow on each sides of the road and the night sky crammed with grey clouds. Clouds that seemed to want to burst, almost as if they were someone who had been keeping so many words hidden inside that would swallow them wholly if they did not pour them out. However, the group surrounding Fleur had no trouble pouring out their words as they told her to join them tonight. It took some convincing but at the end, they agreed to leave without her.

“Would like me to drop you to your apartment?” Jackson asked as the rest of the group continued talking with each other.

Fleur shook her head, “It’s alright my friend is coming to pick me up.” 

A flash of what seemed like disappointment crossed Jackson’s face but it was gone before she could even notice it, “Oh, alright...” Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked at her foot, “Take care of your foot; would not want our star ballerina off the stage for too long.”

A blush found its way towards Fleur’s cheeks, “I’ll take care of it.”

The rest of the group, that had already starting walking away called out to Jackson, looking back at them, he wished her good night and jogged towards the group. Wishing them a great night, Fleur watched her excited friends leave whilst she waited by the entrance of the building for her best friend Harry to come and pick her up. Minutes turned into an hour but there was no sign of him, anywhere. She tried to call him, but reached to his voicemail every time she did so. After waiting for a few more minutes, she started walking down the street, wishing she had taken Jackson’s offer to drop her home. Taking out her wallet from the messenger bag that was hanging on her shoulder, she checked if she had enough money to take a taxi, and groaned when she realized she did not.

She could only make it to half way though when her swollen foot gave up, and the fact that she was at least twenty more blocks away from her apartment was not doing much for her confidence either.

Taking shelter under the entrance shade of a closed store, Fleur sat down on the floor, not caring about it being dirty. Taking off her converse, she examined her injured foot on which the swelling had now gone worst.  Trying to her best to ignore the pain, she contemplated whether to call someone to pick her up, but the only ones she knew in this city was her best friend who had bailed on her and those from the dance group who were by now probably enjoying the party. Taking out her cell phone her bag, she decided to call Jackson, though she felt bad for ruining the fun he might be having at the party, but looking at her foot she knew she would not be able to walk any more.

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