Chapter 64: Mum Needs Me

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"Does she know about Liv?" Liam asks. I nod my head.

"Oh yeah. Of course she does; she's my mum!" I say. I look over at Zayn who is already sleeping.

"Tara?" Liam asks quietly. I look over at him and then let my head droop. Mum has no idea that Tara exists. She has no idea that I'm totally head over heels for a completely different girl. Liam sighs and clamps a hand on my shoulder. I look up at him and see that he's trying to come up with something to say. I don't blame him for giving up on saying something so easily, though. I mean, I don't even know what I'd say to comfort myself.

Finally, the pilot comes on over the intercom and announces that we are taking off. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I feel the plane slowly rise until my back is pressed against the seat.


Liam shakes me roughly. My brain slowly wakes up and my eyes flutter open. The airplane is mostly empty except for the lads and a few laggards. Liam helps me gather my things and get off the plane. I thank the pilot and step out into the crisp Irish air.

Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Paul collect our bags from the luggage men whilst Louis continues to glare at me.

"Louis! Stop with the glaring!" I finally say, annoyed that Louis is still mad at me. Louis just shakes his head and continues shooting invisible, deadly arrows at me. I shiver and move to the opposite side of the group.

We walk through the crowded airport until we finally reach the exit. I turn my phone on and call my mum. She picks up on the third ring.

"'Ello? Niall, I don't see you anywhere," Mum says through the phone. I turn in circles as I start to explain where I am when I see a short blonde lady turning in circles shouting into her phone. I smile and hang up my phone. Mum stops and looks down at her phone. I hear her start to shout my name into her speaker as she slowly begins to panic. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I cover her mouth and lean in near her ear.

"Give me yer money. Or I'll make sure Niall gives you a million kisses!" I whisper in a husky voice. Mum's face calms down as she realizes it's just me. She turns to face me and wraps her arms around my waist. I've been taller than her for quite a while.

"Oh, Nialler! I've missed you tons!" Mum says as she lifts her hands up to my cheeks. Her eyes fill with tears as she examines my face. I wonder how much I've changed since I last saw her, I think.

"I can't believe you're finally home! It's been so long. Oh! I need you to fix something for me. The cupboard doors are loose and I'm afraid they're going to fall on top of me."

I nod my head and hug Mum again. Mum smiles into me chest and squeezes me so tightly I can feel her heart beating. It's so nice knowing that Mum still needs me every now and then.

Tara's POV

The doctor comes out a few hours later and looks at me expectantly. I take in a shaky breath and stare up at him, silently praying that this works out for the best.

"My brother and sister and I have decided," I start, my voice wobbling out of control, "that Mum has always done whatever it takes to keep us healthy and out of pain. So, we want to do the same."

Dr. Cohen stares down at me as I try to work my mouth correctly. Finally, my voice croaks out and I can hear it again.

"We want your doctors to perform the surgery," I say. Dr. Cohen's forehead wrinkles as he hears my final decision, but he doesn't say anything. He just nods his head and walks the opposite direction. I gulp down my tears and turn around. Jack and Kayla are standing behind me, their arms outstretched and awaiting for me to embrace them.

"We've done the right thing. I promise," Jack whispers as he hugs both me and Kayla. I know this must be hard for them but she was my true mother! Their mum died a long time ago. Their father married my mum and then I come along. We became a family and now they're going to lose yet another mother.

I try to steady my breathing but I'm worried that I'll never be able to breath properly again.


Heylo! I'm sorry this chapter sucks. I tried. Not really sure if my point was made, though.

So! Only nine more days until Made In the A.M. comes out!!! One Direction made a website where it's like a countdown. You move through a room and can find clues and videos and audio recordings and (maybe!) sneak peeks to their upcoming songs.

Also, I never did find the video of One Direction performing Style. But, oh well! *Silently sobs in a corner.*

Also also, One Direction will be on Good Morning America on 17 November 2015 at 7:00AM or 7:30AM CST. I don't know when they will appear, but it's sometime during that episode.

Sorry for the long A/N! Just had to say those things and keep you up to date.

Anyway, if you like my story, please comment, vote, and/or follow me. Love ya!

P.S. Go check out my good friends PurpleSpaceUnicorn11
They all have really good stories!

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