A New Hope

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Commander's POV
We are now back at base showing news of the dead soldiers. Many of the families cried in despair and grief, I give them a comforting statement and say that they died with honor. Sadly, we are not able to get enough information from the Tanos besides how to kill them, just not how they expand. But I had an idea...

We must tell them the truth.

Lai's POV
Today, they will know. How will they react? I thought with a straight face, Will they act like Ryan, and think of me as a freak? Or will they think of me as an ally? It's like the movies, whenever there's something unnatural about a human being, others get scared or want to kill you, and very few want to be friends with you.

" Attention everyone! " the commander called, all the heads turned towards her in sync. " There's something I need to announce, I believe we have a new advantage to our race. " I shivered as everyone turned their eyes on me. " I have done some private training with cadet Lai N. he has powers that will help us learn more about the Tanos..." I stopped listening, more focused on everyone's expressions. Everyone had no signs of hatred, shock, or even hope, and I had a lump in my throat.

As soon as the announcement was over, I tried my best to avoid the crowd and closed the door to my room. I was shaking with fear, hoping that Sara and Tina won't think of me as a freak. I covered my face with my knees and sat there for a long time. Then I heard the door open, I didn't care whether it was the commander or Ryan, I just continued to sit there. The figure went up to me and did something unexpected. I looked up and there was the commander with tears streaming down her cheeks, she hugged me with her tears landing on my shoulder.

She knew what had to be done, and she knew that saying anything wouldn't help, she carried me to my bed and I couldn't tell if she left or was sitting there in the darkness.

Commander's POV
I was there in the darkness watching as Lai was still awake with fear. I still can't hold my feelings inside for much longer, seeing him like this. I stood up and gently kissed him on the forehead, maybe that'd give him a hint, but I can't tell him in person.

Otherwise something else bad would happen.

Lai's POV
The commander left the room and I lie there in surprise. She just...kissed me. It felt so familiar, but I just can't get the memory out, ever since she went missing, my memories became limited from her. Even my friends couldn't remember, it's was a peculiar thing, but I felt as if there was something that I couldn't remember from that time.

I tried and tried, small glimpses of her, the one thing that I remembered was...her smile. She only smiled genuinely at me, she told me once that she wasn't completely happy until she was with me. That kiss...that kiss just brought back memories.

There were flames everywhere, and spirits in the air swirling around us, and then..." Ugh! " I said in frustration, the fact that I couldn't even get a full memory frustrated me, but before I said another word, there was a huge explosion outside.

There, outside my window, was an irregular Tanos-wait a minute, that isn't irregular, it's eyes..."Don't tell me." I say and race towards the rampaging Tanos.

Commander's POV
I knew it I thought in my head racing towards the Tanos that is ruining the city, Lai was straight behind me. I knew we both thought the same thing.

There's a person who can change into a Tanos on command.

How did we know this? By its actions, it moves with strategy and skills that were used in training. I know where the human is kept inside, there was plenty that I knew that came from my past. Reaching the creature, I slice the top of its head to reveal Ryan's face, filled with anger. " I know so much that you won't be able to escape Ryan. " I say landing on the Tanos's head that is disintegrating into ashes.

Then a flash of light comes out of nowhere blinding me until I notice Ryan escape. I growl in frustration watching as the light travels to outside the dome, where thousands of Tanos surround the shield. I look around me and notice Lai's missing. Uh oh, I speed to the light no matter how dangerous it was and tell the others that they stay there. I gain speed at the light and I see where Lai is located.

He was in between the light, as if slicing nothing but I could tell even with nothing there, something was injuring him. I wasn't there in time and Lai became exhausted and floated limp inside the light as it traveled. I notice a solid, bright figure inside and I cut it with my blade. I knew it was Ryan, he yelled from the pain and let go from his grip on Lai and I caught Lai before he fell.

We landed around some trees inside the dome, and I just sit there bandaging Lai's wound as he's unconscious.

Lai's POV
I just felt exhausted and I basically blacked out. But now I was half conscious and I knew the commander had rescued me from Ryan. While she stood above me, I could almost make out what she was saying...

" If only you knew the entire story...you can't even remember your most important memories!...If you knew who I was, what would happen? Would you get angry and never forgive me? Or would you have mercy and understand what I had to do?" She stopped saying anything after that, what she last said had me thinking though...

If you knew who I was, what would happen? Get angry, or have forgiveness?

What did she really mean...I jolted up, now completely awake and staring at the commander as she looked at me with no expression. I could now find similarities with how she looked. The way her hair shone brown in sunlight and midnight black in the dark. The way she cried and how her eyes shone...and how she acted at times whenever I was hurt. I didn't know yet, but I had to ask one thing in my head.

Is it really her?

Commander's POV
Lai was staring at me too long, " Cadet, stop staring at me, if you're that dazed then I think we should hurry to base. " Lai blinked and then shook his head, " Sorry, I was daydreaming. " So, he still does that after so many years? I laughed to myself and we walked towards HQ where everyone was getting dinner.

He has to figure it out himself, but I can't show my feelings, if only I could.
So, how do you think about this so far? I'm still trying to figure out a way to make this thing different than what you would expect. Thank you for reading and have a great day, or night. :)

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