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Lai's POV
When I first saw my commander and trainer, she just looked...familiar. She looked just like someone from my past, I just can't put my finger on it. Either way, I'll treat her with respect, after all, she's the only person who has good skills to beat the creatures called Tanos. When I first saw her, everyone was staring at her awestruck, she looked so brave and fierce. I watch as she brings up about 25 simulation people, each one in front of each trainer, this was just for combat lessons so we don't need to try the other simulations yet.

" Keep in mind this is a test that will prove how skilled you are at doing this, I will be watching to decide who goes into which group. " I heard the commander say, there were three groups of Scouts, the first is the Attacking Group, they basically attack any types of Tanos that come near the dome. Second is the Defense Group, they help fight the Tanos if the Attack Group needs backup. Third is the Rescue Group, they help any of the Scouts that are injured or need help to get back to base.

" I will show you a demonstration of what you will be doing. " she said.

She mumbled something towards the sim and as soon as that they started fighting, the commander had a sword and the sim had a blade ( which was also a sim ). The two weapons clashed together, our commander looked like she was having a blast fighting the sim and finished it off with a swipe of her sword. She looked to the group.

" Ryan! " the commander called to a boy with blonde hair and green eyes, " You go first. " I watch as the sim and Ryan fight, he had perfect skills and was just about to finish the sim off, but it took him by surprise and knocked him down flat.

" Good try, make sure you can dodge any surprise attacks next time. " Ryan nods and goes back into the crowd.


After about five people, the commander looks towards me. " Lai, you will go next. " my heart was racing, almost all of the trainers didn't show enough skill to pass, I don't know if I'll make it. I stare face to face with my sim, I breathe deeply, the sim starts to attack. I dodge the blade and swipe the sim with my sword, the sim loses some control and starts to move slower. The sim throws another attack at me and I feel pain on my arm when the metal hits me, but I recover and continue to fight. After a few more hits, the sim starts to disintegrate, " Good job Lai. " I hear the commander say, I look in her direction and see her expressionless face look towards me.

She has the same wavy hair as her...I snap out of the thought as I hear Sara get called from the group.

Sara's POV
I'm clearly nervous in front of everyone fighting this sim, I think I'm better in the Rescue Group I thought as the sim charged at me. Almost on instinct, I swiftly dodge the attack, and land a clear shot towards the sim. It falls down recovering almost as quickly, and we continue fighting.

It felt like hours until after I was defeated by exhaustion and lay myself flat on the ground. I see the commander walk over to me and lend a hand over to pick me up. " Go to your room Sara, I think you've had enough for today. " she says with kind eyes. I nod and walk over to the building that I stay at and go inside. I'm so tired, I say in my head and plop myself on my bed and go take a rest.

Tina's POV
I was called next after Sara, she looked so tired after only five minutes of fighting. Surprisingly, she actually fended the sim off. Now it's my turn. This will be a breeze. I thought as I get in a fighting stance. I was just about to charge until the sim goes at an unnatural speed and cuts the side of my waist, like an actual wound. The commander runs over to me and immediately we go to the medical room.

Commander's POV
I continued the training session after Tina was brought to the medical room. We used a different sim because for some reason there was a glitch in the sim and it went at a supernatural speed. After the test was over, I went to my office and sorted out the groups, then I checked on Tina to make sure she would be alright.

~Medical Room~
" Doctor, will she be able to train after this wound heals? " I ask the doctor, she had a very glum expression on her face. " I'm sorry to say this, but Miss Tina will not recover from such an injury. The cut-even healed, has ceased her flexibility, and she will not be able to fight. " I nod to the doctor, and go to the room where Tina is.

" I know. " she says when I come in, " They told me. " there's a bandage covering her wound and she winces as she tries to sit up. I sit down and try to comfort her by saying how she can still be in the Scouts. " You can go into the Rescue Group and help injured recruits, there's always an option. " she tries to smile, " When I came to Scouts, I wanted to be in the Attack Group and fight alongside my friends..." she looks over at her wound, " But I guess those chances are over. "

" There's always a choice, I won't stand in your way. If you want to you can leave, or you can stay here and do a job, either way is alright. " I give her a reassuring smile as I walk to the door, " And I have a feeling you would be great in the Rescue Group. " with that, I leave Tina to herself for a while to decide, and I go to my room.

I had a feeling she won't think about her wound as a setback later on.

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