Chapter 8

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Ayeeeee guys! ♥ So here's chapter 8 :3 It is in Austin's point of view, so enjoy!


We pulled up to the bowling alley, and after hearing Henry's life story, I was happy to get out of there. Alan seemed to absorb everything, and it was making me kind of jealous. He never listened to me like that. I got out and saw tino waiting outside the door. "Austan, oh AUSTAN!!!!" Phil was mocking my fangirls, and he ran up to me like he was spazzing out. I started laughing. Tino was twitching his eyebrow at Alan and Henry, they seemed  to be having a conversation like we weren't there. "Umm, Alan, you wanna introduce us to your friend there...?" Phil butted in, as usual. Ughh Phil is so rude, but he did have a point. "Oh, yea, this is Henry." He acted like he forgot...what the actual fuck, Alan. I sighed. "I will get us some shoes." I said as I walked towards the door. "Hey, Austin! Don't worry about me and Henry we aren't gonna play." Alan yelled across the parking lot. What the FUCKKKK...?!?!?! I ignored it, It was his idea to bring Henry, and now you're gonna exlcude the rest of the band you toured with for months out of it? This was about to fucking end... I'm gonna give Henry one more strike, and then he HAS to go. I walked up and got our shoes, and Tino walked in and looked at me with the eyes, and I read it all. He defiantly didn't like this kid, and he usually likes everyone. Alan walked in after him laughing with Henry. Maybe cause they were both younger so they had more in common? I dunno, but I was really jealous. I decided to cool off with a drink. I went to the bar, and saw beer on the menu, That was strange for a bowling alley. I skipped over it and saw some cheer wine. I hadn't had that in awhile. I ordered it and the lady handed me a bottle of it. I smiled and thanked her, and walked to the lane we had rented out. Phil made his name 'THE LADIES MAN' in all caps, and Tino called himself weenier. "Get it Austin? I'm a weenierrrrrrrr." Phil made a weird face like he knew that was the oldest joke in the book. Usually Alan would butt in with a pun, but he was too busy at the arcade with Henry. Everytime I said his name in my mind I said it like a stuck up 2nd grade school girl would say. I exxagerated the y to yyyy, and said the first part of his name really loud. Ughh I was pissed. I walked up to the screen and pondered on what to name myself. I didnt know what to put so I typed in the kinky lova, and Tino seemed to like it cause he started bawling. I smiled, but then glanced at Alan. Was Henry seriously whispering in his ear? Ok, there goes the last strike... This was over. "Hold on a minute guys.." I put down my un-opened drink, and started towards the atm they were flirting by. My face was in a scowl. I heard Phil go ooohhhhh sneappp in a loud whisper. Alan didn't even notice me approach. I had to tap his shoulder. He snapped back to reality, and looked at me confused. "Ye..." I cut him off. "Can I talk to you..?" I bit my lip in anger. "Umm...sure...Henry, go over there..." Henry nodded, and walked towards the guys. "What do you nee..." I cut him off again. "This isn't the place....lets go outside." I grabbed his arm, and the glasses on the top of his head fell onto his eyes. "Austin, what are you doing..?" I growled. "We're going outside." He pulled away and stopped me. "Ok, ok, but I can walk myself." He looked at me, and I let go. He took off his sunglasses, and put them in his pocket. I held the door on our way out. He looked back at Henry smiling, before he went out the door. I let go of it, and he ran into it. I was so pissed. I never get this pissed, but I was boiling mad. He looked at me, crunching his eyebrows together in confusion and anger. I sat on the bench, and he stood in front of me. "What the hell are you doing? Flirting with him, ignoring me. IGNORING PHIL AND TINO?" He backed up. "Didn't I already tell you I don't know what I want right now?" He crossed his arms. "Oh so you're like a flaming homo now?" He shushed me. "What, you're ashamed of it?" I stood up, and thought about yelling it to the world, but someone just decided to walk out. Stupid fucking Henry. "Alan, I don't think this was a good idea.. I'm gonna go....txt me...ok?" Alan looked dissapointed, and Henry called a cab and walked down the street. "What, now that your little boyfriend is gone, you wanna go too? Is that what it is Alan? I thought you loved me for a second there, but I guess I was wrong!" I got up and saw Phil dash for the door. UGHHHH Phillll, whyyyyyy???? Now he knew everything... Ferk..

I walked angrily to the door. "Phil!" He turned around with the guilty face, and walked to me. I got really close to him, and put my finger up to my mouth to shush him. My face was hot in anger, and he looked very scared. He nodded, and went to walk away. I grabbed his sleeve, and he turned back to me, his eyes wide. "Don't you DARE tell anyone, I don't need drama right now, and I defiantly don't need anyone to know this right now. Tell Tino to txt me." He nodded, and calmed a little bit, then walked away slowly. I saw Tino, his face up to his phone screen texting someone in anticipation. He was probably txting me. I felt the phone vibrate in my pocket. I decided to ignore it. Alan was getting it today. 


Sorry for any mistakes, but oh MOMMA WE GOT SOME DRAMA GOING ON!!! It's getting sassy up in this bitch :3 So, sorry for any typos, and I hope all of you enjoyed it ♥ Until next time, --Wolfcakes ♥♥

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