Californicating (Austlan Cashby)

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"...Lovely...Lovely...come back darling!" He was talking in his sleep again. That bitch left him all alone and played him like it was all a game. I didn't like that at all. I sat with him all night, and I didn't get recognition. He said thanks, but that wasnt enough. "Come on Alan, wake up, you're sleep talking again." I groaned and threw a pillow at him. "whaa..." I heard him groan, and shuffle to get up. "Want some cereal?" I picked up a box of cheerios that Aaron bought. I don't see how he liked the plain ones. I'm just like eww, why? I grabbed the sugar by the coffee maker and dumped half of it into the cereal box, snickering. I closed the box and started shaking it so the sugar would'nt settle in the bottom. "What the fuck are you doing with my cheerios?" I heard Aaron down the hall. I quickly threw them into the cabinet, and jumped on the couch by Alan. He groaned again, and rubbed his eyes. "Austin, was I talking again?" I suddenly focused on him, like he was the only person there. "Umm, were." He shrugged. "What was I saying?" He was so curious. I didn't notice Aaron was approaching with his box of cheerios. "Umm can someone explain to me why my cheerios have sugar on them?!?!!" He said sugar like it was a bad thing. "Umm..." I looked at him nervously, and smirked. "Austin, you son of a bitch." He slammed his cereal on the counter, and headed for the front of the bus. "Im getting more cheerios, I'll be back. I laughed, and turned back to Alan, but he was gone. Gosh Austin, why can't you multi-task ever? "Rise and Shine boys," I walked down the hall to the back of the bus, and opened all the curtains on the bunks " we're almost home!!" We had just finished our tour in Europe, and now we were about an hour away from home. Me and Alan agreed to share an apartment when we got back, and I would visit family every now and then. Tino stuck his head out from his bunk. "Oh, really? I feel like I slept for two days." Tino's facial hair needed a really bad trim, it just looked weird on him.

"I'm making breakfast!" He added. Suddenly, Phil was up. "Did someone say breakfast?" He followed Tino down the hall. Where was Alan? I knocked on the bathroom door, but there was no answer. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Yep, he was in there. I got nosey, and put my ear against the door. I could hear faint sobs. Not again. I just played it off as if I didn't hear him crying. "Alan, Tino is making breakfast, you can join whenever you like, we won't leave you alone." I was implying on the girl that got into his emotions, and then did a one night stand with him last night. It was getting worse. He would meet a girl, and instantly fall in love with them, then get his heart broken the next day. It hurt me to see him like this. I knew he was just doing it to get over me. Little did he know, I was actually starting to have strange feelings for him. It was like I still liked the ladies, but he was different. A good kind of different.

I heard the door open as I started walking down the hall to the kitchen. "Wait Austin, come back." I turned around with a worried expression. "Don't leave me." I gasped. "Alan, I would never leave you." I started walking towards him, and he met me halfway. I opened up my welcoming arms. He rested his body against my chest. I felt a spark, a feeling of joy when he hugged me. It was like he made all my stress go away. "Let's go eat." I tried to pull away, but he had a tight grip on me. "Will you ever tell me what I said in my sleep?" He was still asking about that? I sighed. "Don't worry about it." I didn't want him to freak out about it too much. It was just a girl. A stupid, silly, slutty girl. Hey, that was good. "She was just a triple S threat." I smirked. "What?" He looked so confused. "Stupid, silly, and slutty." I smiled. "I would be mad at you, but your smile makes up for it." He had a sense of ease in his tone. Was he flirting with me? Even so, should I play along?

I decided to finally reply. "Thankyou ginger princess." His eyes widened in shock. I hadn't called him that in a long time. He smiled, and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the kitchen. "Oooh, you guys were getting nasty back there." Phil scoffed from the couch. "Shut up, Phil!" He was as red as a tomato. Good, I cheered him up. I decided to back him up. "What? No. I was just talking to him actually." It was the truth. Alan looked at me, his eyes shining. Ughh, Austin, don't do this...but he would be happy.. I wrinkled up my face. "Breakfast is ready!!!" Tino's voice snapped me back to reality. I walked over to the table, and sat down. He made bacon and scrambled eggs, yummy. Phil walked over to the table, looking dissapointed. "No pancakes..?" He asked. Tino rolled his eyes, and pointed at the counter. There were mountains of pancakes. "You expect us to eat all that?" Alan growled. "Us? I'm the one that's gonna eat all of them." Phil picked up 7 pancakes and stacked them on a plate. I was laughing. Alan smirked. "Two can play at this game." He snorted. Alan grabbed 8 pancakes and started scarfing them down, without syrup. I heard the front door open. "I got cheerio..." Aaron walked in but stopped talking, and looked at the bacon like it was a person. "Man, I bought these for nothing..." He put the cereal doown, and grabbed a couple slices of bacon, cramming then into his mouth. Man, we were like a bunch of pigs, and Tino was the father of it. Tino looked proud of his work, and layed a hand towel over his shoulder, like a chef. I was proud of my band, we were like family.


Well, here's the first chapter of my Austlan fan fic :D hope you enjoyed it! Took me afew weeks to come up with the title XD follow me on tumblr at

 I will keep you updated on here as well. I also have many poems I write if you would like to check  them out :3 I'll see you guys in a few days :D Until next time, my friends ♥

                                                                             ---- Wolfcakes ♥♥

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