10. Stupidity Is My Saving Grace

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All it would take would be one misstep.

One wrong move to throw me off guard and maybe cost me my life. Every step I took, every corner I turned was a risk in itself. I didn't know where the creature was, hell it could be in the ceiling for all I know. He...or she seemed to be more interested in keeping a low profile than facing me in all their glory.

"Where oh where could you possibly be?"

Pausing for a few seconds before taking a deep breath, I forced myself to go around another corner, gun locked and loaded just in case. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the creature was nowhere to be seen. Though I don't think I was too far away from his location as of now, basing this mostly on the giant ass claw marks embedded in the wall. The mere thought that I may be encountering this brute at any moment was enough to make my blood run cold. Each step I took down the hallway felt like a death sentence.

With every room I passed, I made the effort of glancing through the window to make sure my person of interest wasn't lurking around inside. They all seemed to be empty, which was performing wonders for my heart, but I was slowly getting to closer to the receptionist's desk up ahead and I was more than sure I had just heard footsteps coming from that specific direction. And if my ears weren't enough, then my eyes sure as hell were as I watched a stack of papers fall onto the ground with a wet splat.

"Okay, this is it. Pop a bullet in its ass and your home free. Nice and easy..." Holding my gun out as far as I could, It took every nerve in my body to push myself to continue walking and not run away like the scared little child I really was. "On the count of three Skylar. One...two..." They say you should never wait until the count of three which I exactly what I didn't do.

In a lack of better words, I went in there guns blazing with curses spewing out on their own accord. "Die you son of a bitch!" My body jerked violently from the cascade of bullets I was raining down on...no one? It took me a good few seconds to realize that daddy long legs was not even in the area to begin with. Pulling my finger away from the trigger, I felt somewhat foolish when I realized that I may or may have not just wasted the one thing that could've given me a fighting chance against this thing.

"Well this, this is just great." Out of everything I could've possibly been feeling at this moment, anger was definitely not the one I was expecting. I may have unintentionally caused my own demise and all I can feel right now is absolutely pissed off. In a fit of rage, my foot took its frustrations out on a bucket of water that smashed into the wall up ahead, knocking down a painting in the process. I was so caught up in my own little world that I was completely taken by surprise when some short burly man jumped out from behind the desk.

"Don't shoot! Please, whatever you do, don't shoot me." With his hands above his head, the middle-aged man trembled from head to toe in absolute fear. His knees seemed to clank together every so often due to his violent spasms. The blue jumpsuit that he wore was absolutely soaked to the core, clinging to him in a rather uncomfortable manner. Me being the uncomfortable one of course.

"Who are you?" I could see the name tag he was wearing barely hanging on to his suit, tilted at an awkward angle that made it impossible for me to make out.

"James! My name is James, oh God please don't kill me. I'll give you anything want. My wallet, the keys to my scooter, you can even have a few coupons just please don't kill me." The fear in eyes mirrored that of his voice, making me lower the gun almost immediately. I don't know how, but I just got the feeling that this man wasn't the 'person' I was looking for. He looked more like a janitor than some psychotic murderer with a tail. Then again that could be what he wants me to think...

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