20. Hard Work and A Battle

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Sub level three the teaching and training floor

When I wake up it is hardly daylight. I roll out of bed and look around in the room with me is Katie, Beth, and Jake. I honestly don't know why Jake is in here with us but I was asleep before they all came down here. I sit up just as Seth knocks on the door, he doesn't wait for an answer before he opens the door and lets himself in.
"Everyone up. We are starting work in five minutes so get ready." Seth says and we all get up.
I snap and have on fresh clothes and head into the hallway. I look around and try to think of a floor plan for the ops room and start drawing one up. I had always wanted to be a decorator or interior design but I had a pre-destined job. I spend the next twenty minutes working on the layout and what we should do to run by the others.
"Whatcha working on?" Beth asks as she sits down beside me.
"Working on a layout for ops. What do you think?" I ask.
"It looks amazing, I love how the desks have nothing to look at nothing to get distracted by." Beth says.
"Thanks. I will show the others and see what I should change or just leave it." I say and the others join us sitting. Seth snaps and we all have some kind of breakfast sandwich in our laps. I laugh and snap and the designs for each floor is on the wall in front of us.
Eventually we all agree on a design and The magics as everyone has started calling us start to fix the rooms. Most of them look like something out of a college dorm but the rooms are bigger and have a large walk in closet with them.
It takes a while but eventually we are finished with the house. We are all exhaustedly laying across the six couches and chairs randomly when Seth runs in.
"We have a problem." Seth says.
"What is it?" I ask.
"There was some people who were planning on helping us coming there was about thirty of them and they got ambushed, they are a couple miles out, we need to go and see what help we can provide." Seth says.
"Katie and Daniel stay here in case some of them make it here. The rest of you let's go." I shout and run out the door to my car.
John, Beth Josh, Luke takes Josh's car and Seth, Beau, Jake, and I take mine. Josh is in the back seat with the humans while Beau is driving and I am going over weapons and Seth is trying to get a location on them and giving Beau directions.It takes about ten minutes to get there but as soon as we arrive everyone jumps into action.
The fight lasts for a while, that's when I feel it. A line of fire shoots through my head and chest. Normally I would assume it is just exhaustion but this is different, it is like I am physically dying and I am glad I am far enough away from the middle of the fight.
That's when it all goes dark.

"When will she wake up?" Josh says.
"There is no way to tell." Luke says.
"Meg wake up soon. Please everyone needs you." Josh says and I feel him kiss my head.
Wake up? I try to open my eyes but it feels like I can't. I can't physically move. I am so exhausted I just decide to sleep for a while.

I wake up and I look around. Beside me is Luke and Josh in the couch cuddles together. I smile and roll over on my side. The noise must wake Josh up because he sits up and looks around the room before his eyes land on me.
"Meg are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes. I think so." I say and cough.
"Here drink." Luke says and hands me a cup of water.
"What happened?" I ask.
"You don't remember?" Luke asks.
"I remember the fight and a searing pain in my chest and head. That's it before everything is dark." I say.
"Oh," Luke replies.
"What happened?" I ask again.
"The fight was really bad. Beth and Beau were killed. And John was injured pretty bad. He is up but is hardly able to move." Josh says quietly and I feel my heart shatter.
"How long have I been out?" I ask.
"Three days." Josh says.
"How is everyone else?" I say.
"Have a look for yourself." Luke says and holds his arm out.

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