19. Doubts and Plans

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Sub level four
The ops and armory.

I wake up and roll over but I hit the floor. I groan as I realize I am still on the couch. I sit up and rub my eyes and stretch out my tired muscles. I glance at the clock and see it is just four in the morning. I snap and I have on my training clothes. I head down to the home made gym.

I spend the next few hours thinking about the ones I have already lost. I should have been able to get to Jamie and Hunter. I should have been able to save them. I have been trained to save people. Trained to know what to do in those situations. I was one of the top ranking hunters, how am I supposed to take the hunters down when I can't save three people?

"Stop it." Luke says.

"What?" I ask hoping he doesn't really know what I am thinking.

"Doubting yourself." He says.

"I couldn't save them. How are we supposed to take down the hunters when we can't save each other?" I ask.

"We all knew when we started that everyone wouldn't survive. We all agreed to take the risk. There was nothing you could do." Luke says.

"You're right. Everyone says I have this incredible power but what good is it when I am not able to use it?" I ask.

"You were able to use it. When you mixed your power and fighting together. It just burned out quite easy." Luke says.

"Same difference. I wasn't strong enough to save them. They were twelve feet away. How am I supposed to help save the whole country?" I ask.

"You have to build up your tolerance. You have to get used to the physical exhaustion of the magic added to the exertion of the combat. You just have to build it up." Luke says.

"How do I do that quickly?" I ask.

"How would you do it in combat?" Luke asks.

"I honestly don't know. Want to spar?" I ask.

"Seriously that is your genius plan?" Luke asks.

"Scared?" I taunt.

"As if. Let's go. Let's do three rounds. Magic, combat, mix." He says.

"Okay." I say.

We spread apart and he wastes no time in throwing a ball of light at me. I dodge it and return it. We spend a few minutes doing this before I decide to add in a little kick. I add more power to the balls of light making it so if it hits him it will burn and shock him a bit.

It takes a few tries but eventually I hit him with the ball across the chest. It knocks him back into the wall and he tries to stop a scream but it doesn't work. I watch him as the electricity jolts through his body. I expected it to be  over after a second but he is still squirming in pain.

"Luke, what is going on?" I ask.

He shakes his head and I start to panic.

"Josh!" I shout in panic.

"What?" He asks.

"Luke, we were sparring. I hit him with a ball of light with some power but it didn't just shock him." I say in a panic.

"Why did you throw a ball of electricity at him?" Josh asks.

"We were sparring." I say.

Josh puts his hand on Luke's chest and Luke immediately stops screaming but not squirming. I watch him slowly stop moving. I let out a sigh when he reaches up and grabs Josh's hand to let him know he is okay.

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