9. Death

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I walk into my bedroom and snap on my skirt and blazer with my hair curled and down. I slide on some heels and grab my purse as I walk back into the living room. The other three are ready so we all walk to Josh's car. I notice mine is still covered in gunk. I hop in the front seat and start digging through my purse.
"Here is your badges." I say and pass the three badges around. They all grab theirs and open them. I look down at mine and notice it says my age is twenty two.
"It says I'm twenty five." Josh says and Luke nods in agreement.
"Twenty three." Beau says.
"Twenty two." I say as Josh parks. I reach into my purse and grab my sunglasses.
"Don't look away from them. They are holding the scene for us." Beau says.
We all step out of the car at the same time. Which is odd because we never seem to be able to do anything in sync. I walk to the edge of the yellow tape and pick it up and walk towards the house.
"Hey. I'm going to need to see some id if you are going up there." A man in uniform says. I say nothing and hold up my badge. He nods and we walk up the stairs.
I am in the front with Beau extremely close behind me. I sigh as we get to the door. I slowly open it and see nobody is in there. We all spread out Beau and I take the living room. While Josh and Luke are in the kitchen and dining room. I look at all the photographs and notice there is two kids. No this can't be happening.
"Guys come here." I shout.
They all appear in the living room quickly. I continue to look at all the photos.
"What is it Meg?" Beau asks.
"The photos. There are two kids." I say quietly, hating how my voice cracked at the end.
"Oh Shit." Luke says.
"I'm going to go check the other rooms." I say and Beau comes with me.
We are both silent in anticipation as we make our way to the bedrooms. I slowly reach for the handle and turn the knob grateful for something solid to hold on to. I walk in the room and notice that there is two beds in the room. I sigh in relief as the first bed is empty. Then I look at the other bed and see there is an object under the covers. Please let that be pillows I beg silently. I know that there is a very slim chance that it isn't a person. I slowly take a plastic glove out of my pocket and slide the covers back. I can't believe my eyes. In front of me lays a little boy who can't be older than five and he is dead. Most kills by supernatural beings are always intended to inflict pain. This little boy has cuts about six inches deep across his chest and legs, there is burn marks across his arms and stomach. His eyes wide open. I slowly take my gloved hand and shut his eyes.
I rush out of the room and to the next one which is down the hall. I quickly turn the knob and see two adults in the same shape as the little boy. Then I see an older boy about seven, laying on the floor. Knowing I can't handle anymore, I rush to the door ignoring the others calling to me. I rush out of the building and past the car. I keep walking until I get to the apartment. I basically run inside and to our apartment. I bust in and slam the door behind me.
"Meg, what's wrong?" Katie asks.
I simply hold my hand up and rush to the bathroom feeling the bile rising up my throat. After I am finished puking my guts I quickly brush my teeth, and walk back into the living room. The others are all there. All eyes are on me when I sit down on the couch next to Beau.
"You okay?" Daniel asks surprising me. Daniel has always been the quiet one of our group.
"They were kids, and whatever that was tortured them. What could it want with kids?" I ask my voice breaking.
"Probably nothing but there was a strange power there, did anyone else sense it?" Beau says.
"Yes it was more powerful than anything I have ever felt before." Luke says. They both look to me.
"I wasn't really feeling anything I was kind of an emotional wreck." I say embarrassed, I hate showing weakness in front of others. Especially my friends.
"It is understandable." Josh says.
"It still isn't an-" I was cut off by a loud banging at the door. Josh and I immediately jump to our feet weapons drawn. Luke carefully and we all walk to the door. Josh opens it and there stands Simon.
"I'm sorry for showing up like this but we need to talk." Simon says and Josh motions for him to come in.

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