Chapter 3

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(Thomas' POV)

He kissed me.

He kissed me.

He kissed me.

And what did I do? I just... Stood there. I did nothing. I didn't even say anything! I just stared at him until he walked away. What was I thinking?

Actually, I know what I was thinking. Nothing. The second his lips touched mine, my brain short-circuited, and I couldn't think anymore.

But... He kissed me!

I collapse onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I can still taste him on my lips. Wow. He barely did anything, but I'm completely exasperated anyway. Suddenly, a horrible thought hits me, cutting through the mindless bliss.

I've just broken a law.

I wonder if this whole no-military-relationships law is actually enforced. Can we actually get in trouble for this? Will we get fired? If we don't tell anyone, will they even find out?

I sit up, cross my legs, and rub my face with my hands. What about Metias? What now? Where do we go from here? Thanks to my stupidity, he probably thinks I'm mad at him for kissing me. What do I say to him? Is there anything worth saying? Can anything fix this? Is there even anything that needs to be fixed?

I'm too tired to worry about life right now. I'll do it tomorrow.

* * *

(Thomas' POV)

I hate worrying about life. It's too hard.

I've been at work for almost three hours, and I haven't seen Metias once. He's probably avoiding me. I wouldn't be surprised; I am an idiot, after all.

Then I have an idea.

It's probably a stupid idea, but hell if I care.

I stand up from my desk and walk out of my office. Metias' office is at the end of the hall; I walk towards it. The door is open, and I can see Shina typing something into the computer at her desk.

I smooth my hair back and step into the office. Shina looks up and plasters a smile on her face. "Good afternoon, Lieutenant Bryant," she says, in an exaggeratedly happy tone.

"Good afternoon," I say politely. "Is Captain Iparis busy? I'd like to see him."

Shina nods, then leans over and presses a button on her desk. "Captain?" she says.

There's a pause, then I hear Metias' voice over the intercom, "Yes?"

"Lieutenant Bryant is here," Shina says. "He'd like to speak with you."

Metias hesitates. "Send him in," he says finally.

Shina releases the button and smiles at me. "Go on in," she says.

I walk past Shina's desk, take a deep breath, and open Metias' door. Metias meets my eyes, and we stare at each other for an awkward second. Then I close the door and fold my hands behind my back.

"Good afternoon, Thomas," Metias starts carefully, placing his pen gently down on the desk. "Can I... Help you?"

I clear my throat. "Ah, well, no, actually, I just..." Don't think, Thomas. Just say it. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

Goodnight, Thomas - A Metias/Thomas Legend fanfiction (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now