Chapter 2

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(Metias' POV)

I can't believe I did that.

As I drive to work, I think about what happened -- well, what almost happened last night. I almost kissed Thomas. I'm so stupid! I could've ruined everything, everything in a split second. Thank goodness I stopped myself.

And he didn't even lean in...

I shake the thought away. Of course he wouldn't. It's against the law, and Thomas has never broken a law in his life. I probably saved myself from a hard shove by thinking twice.

I pull up to a stop light and rest my head on the steering wheel. All this worrying is giving me a headache. The light turns green, and I force myself back in to reality, pressing my foot onto the gas pedal and glancing at the clock on my dashboard. I'm half an hour late for work -- Commander Jameson's gonna be furious. Then again, a day when Commander Jameson's not furious with someone is pretty rare.

It takes eleven minutes to finish the commute to work, then another three to find a decent parking space in the underground garage, then another five to walk up to my office. By the time I actually sit down at my desk, I'm fifty minutes late. Forget Commander Jameson -- Thomas would probably be furious.

By lunch, I've gotten one scolding, two lectures, and three dirty looks from Commander Jameson. Shina's flirted with me eight times. Don't get me wrong -- I like Shina, and she's a great secretary. I'm just... Not interested.

The thing is, it's illegal to be interested in the one person I actually am interested in.

Later, when I get back from my lunch break, I walk past Thomas' office on the way to my own, like I always do. His door is open, and his workspace is impeccable, like it always is. I walk right by, like I usually do.

But this time, I stop.

I turn around, and my feet take me back towards Thomas' door. Last night wasn't a total disaster, was it? I knock on the doorframe, and Thomas looks up. He smiles at me.

"Hey," I say. "You busy?"

He shakes his head. "Not really. Just paperwork."

I grin. "Having fun?"

Thomas lets out a short laugh. "Oh, yeah. Tons of fun. You should try it sometime."

"You know, I would, but I've got a secretary to do that for me."

Thomas rolls his eyes. "Lucky you."

I smirk. I'm convinced that last night has, in fact, changed something between us --Thomas never used to talk so casually to me, especially not at work. It's a start, I suppose.

"So," I say, stepping into his office and closing the door behind me, proceeding to lean back on it. "What are you doing later?"

Thomas raises his eyebrows in surprise. "Well... Nothing. Why?"

"Wanna hang out again?"

He leans back in his chair and gives me a curious look. "Really?"

I shrug. "Sure. If you want to, of course."

Thomas hesitates. His expression is hard to describe -- hope, maybe, but also doubt, and confusion. I wonder what he's thinking. "What did you have in mind?" He asks finally.

I bite my lip, and I notice him noticing. His eyes widen slightly, but I don't understand why, so I brush it off as my imagination. "I was thinking something along the lines of bowling?"

He smiles. "Okay. Where?"

I smile back. "I know a cool place downtown. They have a snack bar and everything. I can pick you up again. 7:00, maybe?"

Goodnight, Thomas - A Metias/Thomas Legend fanfiction (BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora