[13] Leaves of Autumn

Start from the beginning

            I giggled.  “You never lost me.”

            “I felt like I did.  I thought some doom and gloom chick took her place.”

            “I was there underneath... trying to find my way back out.”

            “Next time someone dies Cece, promise me you’ll always come back.  Come back to life instead of moping.”

            “I don’t know...”

            “Cece, promise me.”

I sighed.  “Okay, I promise that the next time someone dies, or something bad happens, I’ll continue to live my life.”

            He smiled and kissed my forehead.  “I better get ready, we’re running late.”  He walked off to go get dressed and I stood in the hallway blushing.

            He just kissed my forehead.... was all I could think.  Then I thought about Jordan... he must feel like crap having lost me for three weeks.

            “Hey Jordan,” I said, taking his hand.  He looked down at my hand in his then at me.

            “Hey,” he mumbled.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked.

            “Nothing,” he mumbled.

            “Then smile!” I grinned at him.

            He sighed.  “Why did you choose to stay at Oliver’s house and not mine?”

            “Well in a life or death situation I ran to the closest house, Jordan.  I don’t really have time to choose where I want to go.”

            “You could have moved in with me after though.”

            “Yeah well, I kind of haven’t been in my right mind the past three weeks.”

            Jordan sighed again.

            I released his hand from mine.  “What is it now?”



            “I... I don’t know how to say this.”

            “Say what?”

            “I think we should see other people.”

            “You’re... you’re breaking up with me?”

            “Ah... yeah... I just... can’t do this anymore.”

            “Do what?”

            “I can’t love you!  You always choose my brother over me!”

            “Your brother is my friend!  And I don’t choose him over you!  I’m here right now with you!”

            He shook his head.  “I’ve fallen out of love with you Cece.”

            “Well it’s a good thing I was never in love with you,” I said with venom in my voice, walking off to find Eve, Abigail and Oliver.

            “Hey, what’s wrong?” Oliver asked me.

            I didn’t answer him, I just wrapped my arms around him and leaned my head against his chest.


            “Jordan dumped me.”

            “What a d­―”

            “Don’t call him that,” I interrupted.

            “But he hurt you!”


            He shook his head and hugged me.  “It’s going to be okay, Cece.”

            Oliver was playing his guitar when I knocked on his door. 

            He stopped playing as I entered his room, giving me a curious look.

            “Mind if I give you company?” I asked.

            He smiled.

            I smiled back and sat next to him on his bed, watching him continue to play his guitar.


Wow my chapters are getting shorter and shorter O.O  I hope to make the next chapter longer... this was just another fill in.

Sorry guys :L


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