[6] Leaves of Autumn

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Didn't proof read because I'm lazy (:



Chapter Six

I woke up the next day earlier than normal.  I took my time getting ready for school this time, leaving the house at a quarter to eight and slowly made my way over the hill to school. 

            “Someone’s up early,” commented Jordan as I walked into the school grounds.

            I shot him a piercing glare that said ‘I’m in no mood to talk to you’ and continued walked.

            “And angry,” he added in a mumble but I could still hear it.

            “Leave me alone,” I told him in a strong voice.

            He raised his hands in defeat.  “Sorry, sorry.  I will.  But...”

            I sighed and stopped walking, not turning around to look at him.  “What do you want Jordan?”  I suddenly felt his presence right behind me and I turned around to see him only ten centimetres away from me.

            “A second chance,” he whispered.

            “Why should I give you a second chance?” I replied.

            “Because I was a selfish loser and I wasn’t thinking.”

            “I don’t know if I can forgive you Jordan... you’re probably going to just do the same thing again.”

            “I promise I won’t.”

            I bit my lip.

            “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you the day to think it over and then I’ll catch up with you at the end of the day to see if I still get another chance.  If you do by any hope give me another chance perhaps we could go back to my place.  None of my friends.  Just us two.”

            I knew I wanted to smile, but I didn’t want to give in so easily.  His actions did hurt me.  “I’ll think about it,” I mumbled, not looking into his eyes because I knew it would give me away.

            “Great, thanks Cece!” he enthused.

            I nodded my head and turned around, walking off in the opposite direction.

            “Cece!” Eve called out from a tree.  She was sitting under it by herself, most likely waiting for Abigail to show up.  To bide her time, on her lap lay a scrap book filled with pictures she had taken herself.

            I walked over to her and sat down.  “What’s happening?”

            She nodded at the scrap book on her lap.  “Oliver’s going away present.”

            “I think it’s really sweet you’re doing this for him,” I stated, giving her a smile.

            She shrugged and smiled genuinely at the scrap book.  “It’s the least I can do, after all the times he has been there for me.”

            I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.  “I bet he loves it.”

            “Oh I hope so!”

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