"What was that?" Harry asked, breaking our kiss. He pondered for a moment. "I think it was your stomach rumbling. Are you hungry?"

I looked away from his gaze to the floor, embarrassed and wishing I could just disappear into thin air. Harry grabbed my face with both hands and turned it towards his.

"Yeah, okay. I skipped dinner. My parents were fighting so I kind of just slipped out. I had to get away from there."

"You don't have to embarrassed with me. I'm a doctor, as you know, and trust me, I've seen and heard everything. A growling stomach isn't a big deal."

I gave a shy smile and nodded, leaning in to press a kiss to his mouth.

"How about we get something to eat? I put some spaghetti in the oven before you got here. It should be about done by now."

"Spaghetti in the oven?"

"Yeah. It's baked spaghetti. Really good, I promise. Would you like some?"

"Yeah. That'd be great. Thanks."

Harry lifted me from his lap and I got up to follow him into the kitchen. It was spotless and beautiful like the rest of his house. He grabbed some oven mitts and opened the oven, pulling out a delicious smelling dish of spaghetti. He carried it to the dining room and sat it on the table. I followed him and he motioned me to take a seat in one of the six chairs positioned around the table. Harry left the room and returned with plates and silverware for the both of us. He sat down in the chair closest to mine.

"You didn't have to share your dinner with me, Harry. I feel guilty."

"Don't. It's really not a problem. I couldn't eat all of this by myself, anyways."

He motioned for me to get some. I spooned out one scoop onto my plate and handed the table spoon to him. He got out three times the amount I did and we began eating. He was right: it was really good.

I tried to stop my mind from wondering and focus on the great tasting food but I couldn't. I kept thinking of how nice it would be to have Harry's company every evening. It would be nice if he wanted me for more than my body even though nothing could come of it because of our circumstances. I wasn't really sure how strictly physical relationships worked but having a spaghetti dinner together didn't seem like a part of it.

"So, if I may ask, what's going on at home?"

"It's just a lot of drama between my parents. I don't really want to spill all of it onto you. There's no need for you to worry about it along with me."

"You're okay, though?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I will be."

Did Harry even say anything about us being strictly physical or had I just assumed that was what he wanted? The first thing he'd said to me was on the note he gave me with my volleyball form. 'I noticed you staring at me the entire time and I thought maybe you were into me. If so, I want you to know its mutual. You looked cute as hell in those tight little jeans. Text me. -H' it had read. It didn't really specify how he was into me but, since we were strangers, I had to assume he meant into me physically.

I was getting into it too deep. None of it mattered anyways. If he wanted anything more with me it simply wouldn't work out. I just needed to enjoy the time that I had with him before we fizzled out and keep in mind that romantic feelings weren't allowed. Somehow, I already knew it was going to be hard.

"You're a good cook." I commented.

"It's my grandma's recipe, but thank you."

We finished our plates and carried them into the kitchen. Harry ran some water on them in the sink and I followed him back to his front room. He'd grabbed us two water bottles from his fridge before hand and sat them on the coffee table. I took a long swig from mine, trying to think of something to say.

"Come here," Harry said.

Harry pulled me onto his lap again and started kissing me immediately as I straddled him. His mouth was more fervent than before, moving faster, pushing harder. His strong arms embraced me and pressed me into his chest. My head was getting hazy from the lust. I trailed my hands down his chest and sides, stopping at the waistband of his jeans. If I was brave I would have moved my hands lower but I wasn't brave in this situation at all. Harry nipped at my lower lip and moved to kiss at my neck.

"When are you going to let me have all of this?" Harry breathed against my neck, his hands moving over my body.

"Soon," I answered.

I wanted Harry. He made my insides burn and coil but I was still scared, nervous.

"I would be gentle until you got used to me and after, I would go hard, push you to your limit. You would love it." Harry said. He held me in his arms and I rested my head on his shoulder. "You just have to say the words."


We stayed like that for a good fifteen minutes. Harry rubbed circles against my back and I breathed in the crisp smell of his cologne, twirling strands of his hair around my finger. As much as I didn't want to admit it, there was something going on between Harry and I that went deeper than a physical connection even though we didn't really know each other that well. It felt good to just be held by him but I needed to leave now or it'd be even harder on me when what we had came to an end. And it eventually would have to.

"I should go now." I said as we untangled from each other. "Thanks for dinner and the kisses. Both were great."

"My pleasure,"

Harry stood up and walked me to the door. He held his arms open for a hug before I started outside. I wrapped my arms around him, nuzzling into his chest and he squeezed tight. I could have just hugged him for ages.

"Text me when you're free again."

((Thanks again for reading and voting. So what do you all think of Trent....?))

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