Chapter 2 - teaser

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A couple of days later, I found out that me slapping Stephanie has put an end to me adopting Skye. Apparently, if I can hit Stephanie, there's a chance I could do it to Skye in the future, which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I'd never hit Skye, I wouldn't even dream of it. To say I was devastated is an understatement. Skye also has to live with Stephanie because I'm "unfit" to look after her, even though Stephanie hasn't bothered with Skye for the last four years of her life. She's doing this out of spite because knows for a fact she couldn't care less about Skye and I've been more of a Mum to her than Stephanie ever will be.

Today's the day we have to hand Skye over and she doesn't want to leave us but who can blame her? She's got to go and live with her because I couldn't keep my hands to myself.

"I don't want to go" Skye sobbed.

"I know babe I know, but you have to" I cried.

"No I don't want to go Mum, you can't make me!" She sniffed.

"You have to Skye, you can't stay here" Danny told her gently.

"Why did you have to hit her?!" Skye yelled angrily.

"I feel awful about it, but we'll get you back, trust me" I promised her.

"How? They won't let me live here cause no one trusts you!" She shouted at me.

"Right come on Skye" Stephanie told her.

"Shut up. You couldn't care less about me!" Skye screamed.

"Excuse me?" She replied.

"You've only done this out of spite. You're no Mum, she's more of a Mum than you and you hated that" Skye snapped.

"You've got to stay with me, you have no choice" Stephanie sighed, as she lead Skye away.

Back at Stephanie's house.

Skye was watching T.V in the living room and Stephanie went to see if she wanted some food.

"Skye, do you want some food?" Stephanie asked,

"No, I wanna go home" Skye grumbled.

"You are at home now. You'll be living here for the next ten years and then you can do what you like" She smiled.

"I don't think so" Skye smirked.

"I've got you back, all I need to do is split your Dad and that silly slag up, then I've got my family back" She laughed.

"I wouldn't count on it" Skye answered, as she ran upstairs.

Skye went upstairs to phone her Dad, who answered a few minutes later.

"Hello?" Danny answered.

"It's me, Skye" Skye replied

"Oh hiya Skye, you OK?" Danny asked her.

"No. Stephanie said she's got me back and all she needs to do is split you and Mum up, then she has her family back. I can't stay here forever, you need to get them to change their minds about the adoption." Skye explained.

"I'll see what I can do" Danny told her.

"OK bye Dad, love you. Tell Mum I love her too" Skye smiled.

Skye put the phone down, then grabbed her coat and sneaked out the back door. She's serious about not living here so it's time to show it...

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