"As Long As I Keep Dancing"

Start from the beginning

          I stopped when I reached the town gates, they stared at me with disgust. There goes the demon girl, the pathetic halfbreed bastard. All lies my mother had fed them to keep me on her grounds. I ran my hair through my golden hair bringing it to the back so I faced them properly. I wasn't ashamed of who I was, I'd rather be a freak then a Latine. As long as I keep dancing I'd be fine. My name is Penelope Clare Latine, I am the youngest child of queen Nebula of house Latine, and I was trapped. 

         "You cannot be serious?" Alexie gasped dramatically

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         "You cannot be serious?" Alexie gasped dramatically. I brushed her golden hair as it shimmered under the sunlight, she was beautiful like our mother but she was also stupid like our mother. "Yes, dear I'm afraid so." She grunted. "Is he good looking?" I scoffed, she turned toward me and glared. "What if I am to marry a stranger from the north, he'd at least look good." I rolled my eyes as my mother continued. "Well Alexie you don't actually get to choose, he'll choose between you and your sister." She said that word like it actually hurt to comprehend my existence, I guess in her case she actually did. 

         "Why would he choose her over me." True, she had all the looks, and I had no intention of staying with a royal even if he is a northerner. "I'm not quite a sure dearest, they are freaks, after all, maybe they'd want someone more like them." They laughed, but I'd gladly be like the northerners then like them. I grabbed a knife and started cutting her nails, reminding myself not to cut her fingers off. "Well, then when are they getting here." Soon I hope, then he'd choose her sister and she'd be gone. "Actually Alexie, we'll be meeting them in the north." I gasped in shock and Alexie screamed staring at her nails. 

           "You dimwitted bitch, you almost cut my fingers off." She put her slightly bruised finger in her mouth and sucked it. "It's just a small cut," I say as Alexie came at me with more words, but I was no longer listening to her. We were going to the north, this was my chance to leave. I smiled brighter than I'd ever smiled before. "So that it was just gonna breed with those freaks?" My brother Hadrian yelled, now this was the one person whose hat I could match with my brothers. And oh how he hated me. "Yes and you will be wed with the younger girl, and your children will rule the new world." Hadrian scoffed, even my mother knew he was wicked, still she hoped he'd change. She needs to understand there's no cure for being a cunt. Not even he could ruin my mood, I was too happy, for this was the last day I'd ever have to see them, at least I hope it is. 

             I hurried to my room an grabbed my backpack and put all my necessary weaponry inside. "What are you doing?" Alexie had said from behind. "What does it look like I'm packing we'll be leaving now anyway." I rolled my eyes at her idiocracy. 

             "You don't really think were going do you?" I nod my head as her cheeks turn red. "No way in hell am I leaving, you nor anyone else can make me. " This made me angry, no one especially not my bratty sister was getting in the way of my freedom. I grabbed her hair pushed her face close to mine. "Listen to me and listen to me well, not everything in this world will go as you wish it would. If you don't show up and agree to the agreement them northerners will have your head on a spike quicker than you can say sorry. So your gonna be a good little girl get packed and hurry to the garage." She sobbed and ran as soon as I let her go. There was a big thump, and I turned to face sir Icarus Geogun, the most eare kings guard in the south. He was four times my hight and was glaring at me like he wanted to squash the life out of me.I wasnt scarred of him, and if Im lucky I'd never see him again.

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