"This is her fault! She isn't even your mate anymore...how about you give her to us, we'll take good care of her" he taunts.

"And if I don't? What are you going to do mutt?"

"I'll just have to take her from you then won't i"

"Id like to see you try" Ivan laughed out loud in a sinister tone.

The man marched forward in our direction.

Ivan clenched his fist as he shifted his position ready to fight. My heart was racing fast as i hopelessly watch everything play out in front of me.

"I don't want to hurt you but if you come any closer I am going to kill you" Ivan firmly instructed.

Kill! I don't think so, no way I refuse to let this happen. Joshua neared, clenching his fist and pulling his arm back he readied himself for his attack. Ivan clicked his neck before stepping forward and my natural instincts kicked in.

Balling my fists and stepping in front of Ivan i bellowed out my commands.

"That's enough!" I demand.

Riley roughly grabbed Joshua and pushed him to the side.

"We will be training in the forest today, the vampires and Angels will be teamed up and they will fight against the rest of you. Ivan and I will be accompanied by your leaders and we will oversee today's events. The weak points and strengths of each individual will be assessed, determining the amount of training needed" Colt addressed.

I gave Colt a thankful and sincere smile at his sudden involvement.

"All of you go, we are waisting valuable training time" Colt continued.

The mass of powerful creatures took off in sync towards the forest. Colt turned in my direction as I stepped back, making a gap between myself and Ivan.

Tensions were high as the three of us stood in silence, without a word of dismissal or farewell Ivan had disappeared into thin air.

"Rogue it would be pointless for you to join us in the forest. It would be better if you stayed in the mansion, we have a gymnasium at the far side of the mansion you can use to train. There shouldn't be anyone in there but if there is just tell them to leave alright. For the time being you should stick with Rosalie's classes, I'll look into getting someone to train you later on" Colt stated.

"In all do respects Colt if it's pointless for me to train with you guys then why an earth am I out here and awake this early?! And what makes you think I'm not capable of going into the forest?" I vocalised, my early awakening was having a negative effect on me right now and I could feel myself getting incredibly grumpy.

"Do you have super speed?" He questions



"No" i respond blankly.

"Rapid healing skills?"

"Obviously not" I snap back

"Well what about fighting skills?.... No offence but you don't exactly scream blood thirsty warrior to me" Colt snickered

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