"What is your problem Khadija? Why are you talking to me like this? I am your husband. Please for Allah sake give me some respect and give me rights to behave like a husband!" I yelled at her annoyed. I looked at her and something in her eyes make me worried. Fear. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath. I open it again and looked at her softly.

"Khadija, please-" I started and take a step toward her but she stopped me and tear slipped from her eyes. My heart clenched as I saw her getting fear with me. I take a step back and walkout of room to give her some time.

This is all going wrong. Everything is going wrong. I was afraid to think did I make a wrong decision marrying to her.I quickly shook my head to push those bad thoughts away. I did to choose to spend my life with her. I know I never get a life partner like her


As he walk out of slamming the door behind him, I fall on my knees and started to cry. I didn't mean to hurt him or make him mad at me but I couldn't do anything. Whatever they say was all right. This marriage is a deal between Rauhan and His Dad.

When it was my second day here, his Saima aunty came here to see his Mom. No one was at home. Uncle and Rauhan were at their jobs. She come with her full family. Ammara the girl who hold his hand on that day also come and claim Rauhan as her.

-Flash back-

They were sitting in living room while I  was here in kitchen making coffee for everyone. When Ammara come in kitchen with evil look on her face that I ignore. I was waiting for water to get boil.

"Listen here girl, Rauhan is mine. You are only his responsibility for six months before he divorce you and marry me." She said with a hard look. I didn't take her seriously because Rauhan told me there is no reason behind it and for some reason I believe him.

"Are you listening?" She yelled and pour hot burning water on my hand. I screamed in pain and quickly put my hand under cold water. Tears were coming from my eyes. Suddenly someone roughly grabbed my arm and turned me around. It was his Mom.

"She is right. They are marrying after Rauhan divorce you. He only marry you because of his Dad. He prove his Dad that you are not good for him and then marry her." She told me with a glare and roughly pushed me back. Saima Aunty smirked and they all walk out of kitchen.

I was shocked because I trust what Rauhan told me. He was a liar, a big liar. He lied about a beautiful relationship of Husband and Wife. If he wants then I will give him what he want from me. He is with me because the deal he made with his Dad. I will live here for six months and in those six months I will let him do whatever he wants and also show everyone how bad choice I am for him.

-Flashback End-

I don't know how long I cried but when I looked out of window it was getting dark. I slowly stood up and stumbled on my way to bathroom. I quickly wash my face and did wudu before I started to pray.

When I walk downstairs, I heard Tv voice from living room. I walk and saw Rauhan's Mom watching Tv and eating snacks.

"Assalam Alaikum... Aunty when you get back?" I asked standing on door. She looked back before rolling her eyes and looked back at Tv.

"I don't have to answer your questions. You are here for six months so it is better for you to keep away from my things." She said in annoyed voice.

"Okay." I said quietly and turn to leave her alone.

"Where is Rauhan?" She asked making me stop. I totally forget about him. I don't know where he was. When he left he was very angry. I hope he didn't do anything stupid.

"Uh... I-I don't k-know." I stuttered and leave from there. I walk up in room and quickly fix my phone before calling him. It went on voice mail. I started to worry. Its 8:30 pm and he should be home by now. Where he could go? I call the person who knows about him. His Dad. I called Uncle and after few rings he pick it up.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum Khadija." He answered my call with Salam.

"Walaikum Assalam. Uncle, Rauhan has gone somewhere. He was really angry when he left." I greet him back and tell him about Rauhan.

"What? Why he was angry?" He asked confused.

"W-we had a fight. It was my mistake." I sighed and tell him.

"Don't worry. I will bring him back soon." He assured me.

"Okay. Thank you Uncle." With that we hung up. I don't know why I was worrying about him much. I mean I should play angry and bad wife to him so he could get rid of me soon. I standby window few hours or until I saw Uncle and Rauhan's car in driveway. They parked it and get inside. I signed in relief when I saw him getting inside safe.

I walk toward door and open it go down before he could come in room but I bumped into him. I looked up at his blank eyes. He was emotion less standing there with red eyes. I had so many questions to ask but I am not sure if I should or not.

"Where have you been?" I asked coldly without showing any sign of concerned or worried. He looked at me for few minutes before walked toward his closet. I swallowed a lump and trying not to break myself.

"I asked you a question Rauhan" I closed the door behind me and walked toward him.

"I don't have to tell you." He mumbled and take out his cloths.

"Then don't but please don't show everyone that we have problems between us." I told him but mentally I am shouting at myself for being rude.

"I am not showing anything okay.People see what we show them. So I suggest you to keep it in this room."He said walking pass me to went in bathroom. I flinched back when I heard door slamming behind me. I closed my eyes as a pair of tear rolled down to my cheeks.I quickly wipe them and scold myself for being weak.

'I am sorry Rauhan, but I have to do this for you and for everyone who love you. They are not happy to see you with me. I also like you and it hurt me to see you like this. I am sorry please forgave me.'


Last update of today. I hope you all like it. Let me know what you think about this chapter and His Mom. 

I don't know when will be the next update but I will try to update soon.

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