Was,” He corrected, still holding that adorable pout onto his lips. “I hate the way he treats you, Zee. I won’t put up with someone who can’t appreciate the fact that you make me happy.”

The way he said that with such determination made my heart beat a little bit faster. I held him while he continued to pout, occasionally rubbing his back or his leg or something that would hopefully calm him down. After a minute or so, he gave in and stood up, taking my hand in his and helping me up off of the bed. “Fine. If he’s still there, I’ll hear him out.”

If it was me on the other side of that door, I would have been gone the second that door had been slammed. However, when Niall opened it, he revealed an agitated Louis holding his nose. The brunette lad’s eyes went first to him and then to me, settling on Niall before he took a step forward. I stepped out of his way so he could come in, and when he did, he didn’t seem to know what to say. I rubbed the top of Niall’s hand with my thumb as we waited.

“You have one minute to explain why you’re here at nearly midnight, Tommo. Don’t even think about insulting Zayn, either.” Niall stated. Louis didn’t seem happy, but he did look a bit grateful that he had used his nickname.

“Actually, Zayn is the reason why I’m here.” His blue eyes fell on mine. I could still feel the heavy tension between us, but it wasn’t quite as bad now. “I need to talk to you.”

Without another word, Niall shook his head and stepped protectively in front of me. If he didn’t look so mad, I probably would have laughed. He was naturally smaller, so it probably should have been the other way around. It was still cute though, so I only stood back and watched the exchange between the two mates.

“No.” Niall said simply.

Louis gave him a look of disbelief. “You aren’t his mum. He can make his own decisions.”

“Why would he want to talk to you?”

“Why don’t you let him speak for himself?” Louis threw back. Niall’s lips parted in shock. Two sets of blue eyes were instantly on me, making me look down and blush. I didn’t know what to say. As much as Louis hated me, he couldn’t want anything good. I started to shake my head, but Louis stepped forward again, capturing my attention for the moment. “I just want to talk to you, Zayn.”

I really didn’t want to give in to him. The moment I looked into his eyes, I could sense something other than the usual disgust or hatred that I usually saw. Dark emotions were replaced by what seemed like desperation. No matter what he said, there was something other than talking that he needed me for. No matter how much he hated me and I disliked him… I wanted to help him.

“I’ll talk to you.” I finally spoke. Niall’s whole face filled with shock. He slowly let his fingers slip out of mine and leaned against the wall. I reached over to kiss him quickly, and then Louis gestured for me to follow him outside. I held back all of the concern I was feeling as I walked. The real wave of nervousness hit me as he got in his car, but I followed suit, easily slipping into the passenger seat and sitting silently.

If this wasn’t the most awkward situation I had ever been in, it was pretty high up on the list. I couldn’t find the words to say to begin a proper conversation. Louis looked rather conflicted himself, and when he shut his eyes and took a deep breath, I knew that this was going to be a real conversation; not just threats or insults, but something that had substance to it. It was nerve-wracking.

Shut Out >>Ziall<<Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ