Rhythms of the Moon

Start from the beginning

He was giving out detentions and taking points away at every chance he got. He was sneering with joy by the end of the lesson, but I didn't much care. My mind was focused on the match. Of course I got five points taken away for that, but it didn't really do anything. I still didn't pay attention. I knew a lot about Werewolves. There were many books on them in the library at Grimmauld Place, and Sirius could help me if I needed more information.

The next day, there was the match. Oliver was to nervous to eat. He was freaking out over a bit of rain. Of course the rain did make it hard to see, but like Katie said 'we don't mind a bit of rain'*. With all the uncertainty of where everything was, it was hard to communicate with Angelina and Katie. Wood called a timeout about an hour and a half in. We were up 50 points. I scored 20 of them and I was grazed by a bludger to many times to count. Oliver noted that Harry couldn't see and Hermione saved the day with the Impervius Charm.

The rain poured harder. Thunder clapped in the background and the sky was getting darker. It was getting closer and closer to night. The Hufflepuffs had the Quaffle and we were trying to get it back. Diggory was trailing behind Harry and then suddenly, the Pitch went silent.

The game halted. The only people left moving were Harry and Diggory. Harry looked down and then all you could see was him slowly falling towards the ground while his broom went in the direction of the Whomping Willow.

Diggory, who wasn't paying attention went ahead and caught the Snitch. I'd say that wasn't very sportsmanlike, but I was too busy flying towards the muddy area where Harry had landed. We watched as Harry was carried off to the Hospital Wing. We followed behind and stayed with him when he woke up.

Well, except for Oliver. He was still in the showers on the pitch. Fred and George thinks he was trying to drown himself. He could've just sat in the mud or jumped in the lake if he really wanted that to happen. We still had a chance at winning the cup, but that would only be if Hufflepuff lost to Ravenclaw by two hundred points and then went ahead to lose to the Slytherins. To add on to the bad news, Harry had lost his broom to the Whomping Willow.

Of course, I had told this all to Sirius because he had asked me about Quidditch, Harry, and the steady Animagus training progress.

The next Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson was a relief to everyone. Professor Lupin said that we didn't have to do the essay. I was glad because I had only gotten about an inch of it done** and the rest of the class minus Hermione wasn't much better off. Harry had been having a few conversations about Dementors with Professor Lupin and I could only guess that they were talking about the Patronus Charm.

Weeks went by and it was almost Christmas. The Ravenclaws beat the Hufflepuffs badly to the relief of Gryffindor and our next Hogsmeade trip was coming up. It was perfect for people to do their last minute shopping because it was the last week before Holiday. I already owl ordered the presents I as giving to people, but I still went to Hogsmeade.

I was with Ron and Hermione at Honeydukes helping them decide which candy to get Harry. I was losing my voice at this point, so my contributions were mainly head nodding and shaking. I tried to suggest Honeydukes Best Chocolate, but they couldn't really understand my gestures. They were too busy looking for something special. We ended up in the Unusual Tastes section. It was full of disgusting candy.

When Ron mentioned Cockroach Clusters Harry said no.

Wait a minute? Harry. We were all confused on how he got there, but he explained to us that he ad this map of Hogwarts called the Marauder's Map. it was genius. I wonder who created it. Hermione was of course against the map, but Ron convinced her to give Harry a break. We took him to Three Broomsticks to get some of Madame Rosmerta's Butterbeer because it was the best.

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