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Percy POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my name to be call. I wanted to become a bodyguard for Tony Stark. No, I'm not doing it for the money I'm doing it so I can be close to Annabeth. She took an internship with Tony Stark.I just hoped I would make it. There like forty other guys there. They all looked more buff than me so I knew I didn't really stand a chance but I would do the interview anyway because I wanted to be with Annabeth. I have had other jobs but mostly I just worked at camp so on paper it made me unqualified.

"Percy Jackson" a woman said. She had blond hair and freckles. She looked tired like she had been doing this all day. I felt bad for her."follow me". She lead me into a room. The room had Tony Stark and Nick Fury in it. I don't think I was supposed to know his name but Annabeth hacked into JARVIS and had told me all about him.

"Are you Percy Jackson" Fury asked

"Yeah" I said as I sat down

"Why do you want this job" he asked but he looked amused because he thought I was just a kid. Of course I knew the answer because Annabeth had given me a course on interviews 101.

"I have been looking for a job for a while and I have a specific skill set so I thought this would be a great opportunity." I looked at Fury but I couldn't tell if he thought I was lying or not.

"Thank you we will get back to you soon"

Thank you" I said then got out of there because I could feel that I was unwanted. I met Annabeth outside.

"How did it go" she said excitedly but I could tell it was fake.

"You tell me I know you hacked JARVIS and that you were watching"

"Fine, I was but what do you think happened"

"They thought I sucked didn't they"

"Ohhhh, I guess we won't be working together."

"No, but we will still see each other at school and camp"

"Yeah, but still it would be great to work with you."

"Alright we'll just have to wait and see"

"Ok, let's go home"

Percy Jackson and the Avengers, AssembleWhere stories live. Discover now