Sweet Nothings

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*A Few Weeks Later*

Ally's POV:

Austin and I met up once the school day was over and headed down the street to his house. We had a daily routine we began to follow after a period of time. Some days he would walk me home, other days like today we'd walk to his house and I'd go home later. I've only had to sneak out and sleepover once or twice again after that one night. My fathers major fits have died down, but not by much.

As you may also have figured out, I finally got to meet his mom. Austin had told me about her being a single parent. His mom is very courageous and strong. She reminds me of my own mother. Both of them are such warm hearted people, kindness in their souls. I have a big feeling that both of them would've made great friends.

Time flew as we kept up the lively conversation. On our walks we tend to just talk about our days, then go from there. I've opened up a lot ever since I've met Austin. I talk way more with him now, and I find myself laughing and smiling on a daily basis. It's actually a really nice feeling being happy all the time. It sadly ends when I return home to the hell I call my father, so I try to enjoy every second I can with Austin.

Not too much longer we finally reach his house. His mom's car is in the driveway, so she must be home. We both walk up the porch and into the house. The second I step in, I'm welcomed by the sound of... a crying baby?Austin and I turn to each other with a confused look? "Why is there a baby crying?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I have no idea." He drops his bag on the floor and takes off his coat. I do the same. "Mom?" He calls.

Suddenly, out from the kitchen comes Mrs. Moon, with indeed a little baby in her arms. "Oh finally, you kids are home. I'm sorry, my friend Nikki from work is out tonight and I'm babysitting her daughter Emily here." Austin and I exchange a look, but just nod. There's a beep from the microwave in the other room. "Austin, could you please go get her bottle out of the microwave?" He nodded and jogged off to the kitchen.

From over on the coffee table, Mrs. Moon's phone began to go off. Little Emily was still sobbing. "Oh good lord." Mrs. Moon murmured.

I stepped forward. "Uh, Mrs. Moon, if you need to answer that call I can take Emily for you."

She gave me a guilty frown. "Oh hun, are you sure?" I nodded reassuringly. She sighed. "You're a lifesaver, sweetie. Thank you." She walked over to me and gently lied Emily into my arms. She was the most precious sight to see. Mrs. Moon picked up her cell and disappeared down the hall to a more quiet space.

"Shhh. Shhh." I hushed quietly to the crying child. When that didn't work, I did the only thing I knew left to do. I sang her a lullaby. It was just a small tune my mom would always sing to me before bedtime. I hummed it in a peaceful leveled voice, quiet yet loud enough for her tiny ears.

In some sort of miracle, Emily stopped crying. She stared up at me, her hazel brown eyes staring with curiosity. I continued singing her the lullaby. Little by little she slowly began to fall asleep. Over in the corner of the room I saw a crib pushed up against the wall. I carefully walked over to it and set Emily down gently inside.

I covered her up with a small pink blanket and stroked her thin strings of brown hair on the top of her warm head. I stared at Emily as if she were my own. It probably sounds creepy like that, but I've always loved kids. I just feel some sort of connection with them. Like they have the same sense of wonder and adventure like I used to.

I finally move away from her and let her sleep. As I turn around, I look up to see Austin standing in the entrance way of the kitchen, smiling at me. He slowly started walking towards me. "That was probably the sweetest sight I've ever laid eyes on." He said.

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