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Ally's POV:

I stared off into space all during math class. I couldn't take my mind off of Austin. Where in the world did he come from?

Never has anyone just approached me and made conversation like that before. I've always been so invisible to everyone. I didn't care, it was lonely, but better than having so much attention drawn to you.

Why in the world would a nice, sweet, not to mention good looking guy ever want to talk to someone like me? A shy and quiet girl with zero social skills.

The bell finally rung. Time for lunch. Austin said he wanted to meet me so we could sit together. Again, no clue why. Although I won't argue. I kind of like his company. I can tell he's really listening when I speak to him.

I throw everything into my locker and head down to the cafeteria. The loud noise of chit chat and clanking lunch trays fill the air. I look around to try and find Austin. He's nowhere to be found. I just sigh and make my way over to my usual table in the back. I sit down and relax my head.

For those who are wondering, no I don't eat lunch. Not just because the food here is gross, but just because I'm used to going long periods of time without food. I've survived before and I can do it again.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice behind me asks. Startled, I look up to see Austin, lunch tray in hands. He gives me a smile, and I see him motion to the seat next to me mentally asking for permission to sit. I slowly nod, and he settles down on the chair. "Did you already finish your lunch?" He asks, looking at the empty space in front of me where a tray of food should rest.

I look at him, then look down at my lap. "No... I just, don't eat..."

There was a small moment of silence.

"Why...?" Austin asks quietly.

I shrug weakly, not really having a solid answer. I then suddenly see Austin place something in front of me on the table. I look up to see an apple and a granola bar. I shake my head. "Austin, I can't take-."

"Ally, you need to eat something." He says, cutting me off. "I'm not gonna let you sit there and starve."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. No one has ever looked out for me so much. Except for my mom... But that's beside the point. I slowly reach out for the apple. I stare up at Austin making sure it was okay. He slowly nodded.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Just eat." I took a bite of the apple and chewed slowly.

We both ate in silence for a bit. I broke it once it came to the point where neither of us could stand it anymore. "Well, I think I've told you lots about myself. Why don't you begin your life story?"

He smiled, then leaned back in his chair. "Alright. Um, as you probably know, I'm new in town. I moved here from Miami, Florida. I'm pretty open, so the more we get to know each other the more I'll probably tell you about my personal life. I... really enjoy music. I have a guitar in my room and a piano in my basement..."

This caught my attention. I sat up straighter, listening to every word he had to say about him learning how to play multiple instruments. He seemed to notice my intrest. He chuckled. "You like music?" He asks.

I blush, then slowly nod. "Love it, actually."

He leaned forward a bit and rested his arms on the table. "What kind of music do you like?"

I shake my head. "I didn't mean to interrupt you..." I realised I had totally butted into his talking.

He laughs. "Don't worry about it. I actually like the fact that you're so into music. It's one of my favorite things. I think it's cool you have such a passionate intrest."

I Think About You (An Auslly FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن