Growing Closer

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Ally's POV:

I see my father. His eyes red with furry and his big hands swinging down hitting me. I feel my body flinch. I can just barely see his face. It has the same mean scowl and cold eyes.

I back up as far as I can go till my body hits a wall. I'm cornered. I can't escape. He slowly comes creeping closer. Chills run down my spine. I see his hand lift up and come down towards my face.

But once it's about to hit me, my eyes shoot open. I gasp and begin breathing frantically. My eyes search furiously around the pitch black room. My arms are shaking. It takes me a moment to realize... I'm still in Austin's living room.

It was only a dream. I calm down a bit more and sigh. I lay my hands on my face and just take a few deep breaths. This wasn't the first time I've had a dream about my father doing that to me. I should be used to them by now. They still terrify me.

My mouth feels dry. I really need water. As quietly as I can, I slip out from underneath the covers and tiptoe across the floor. I round the corner and go into the kitchen. I search through each cupboard until I finally find one with clean cups in them. I pull one out and fill it up in the sink. The water tastes nice and refreshing.

Once I gulp down the whole glass, I wipe my mouth and sigh. I just needed a breather. I snap out of my thoughts when the lights suddenly turn on. I look up and spin around. There in the doorway stands Austin, only in sweatpants.

"Ally?" He asks quietly. "Are you alright?"

I stare at him for a long moment, then finally look up into his eyes realizing the entire time I've been looking at his six pack. "Yeah... I'm fine. I just needed some water... Sorry if I woke you."

He shook his head. "No, it's fine. I just kinda woke up and I thought I'd come down for a drink too." I slowly nodded. He stepped a little closer. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

I didn't feel like telling him about my nightmare, so I simply nodded my head. "I'm fine."

He seemed to give up and just brushed it off. We both slowly go back out into the living room. He faces down the hallway, then turns back to me. "Try and get some rest for school tomorrow... So you're not too tired in the morning."

Something in me didn't want him to go. I didn't feel like being alone. Before he went to his room, I stepped forward. "Wait." I say.

He stops immediately and looks down at me. "Yeah?"

I stare into his eyes. I speak in a soft voice. "Can you stay with me...?"

He doesn't say anything at first, but then he nods his head. "Yeah, of course."

A feeling of joy floods throughout my body. Austin brings me over to the couch and allows me to climb in first. I go under the blankets and cover myself up. Then he climbs in right next to me. His arm carefully rises up and around me, bringing me down closer into his chest.

I lie down my head and look up at him. He stares down at me. "Thank you..." I whisper.

He pushes some hair behind my ear. "I'll always be here for you." He's told me that so many times, yet every time he says it, it always sounds more and more special. "Just close your eyes." He says. "I'm right here."

My hand slowly glides over his stomach and drapes over his body. I hug myself closer to him, as if he's my shield of protection. He allows me to do so as his fingers lightly play with my hair. My eyelids lazily drape down. Soon, I'm slowly... falling... asleep...

Austin's POV:

Ally's knocked out in a matter of minutes. She looks like she hasn't gotten much sleep like this in a long time. By the sound of her father, it's probably because of him. I think it's totally unfair how she has to suffer the consequences. He should control his drinking, then maybe she'll be a bit more happy there.

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