I'll Protect You

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A Few Days Later...

Ally's POV:

"I met a new friend, Mom." I say to the gravestone. No, it's not creepy that I still talk to her. I actually find it very calming. It makes me happy, like she's really listening. "I would've told you about him sooner, but for the past few days he has driven me home. Something in me didn't want to just turn him down."

The evening air blew hair in my face. I tucked a few strands behind my ear and pulled up my hood. "His name is Austin..." I continue. "He's sweet, smart... very generous. I think he's a great guy with an amazing personality. I wish you could meet him... He likes music, just like you..."

My heart aches remembering my mother's love for music. She was a great piano player, and her voice was heavenly. When I was younger, she used to sing lullabies to me as I fell asleep. It's a nice memory.

The bitter wing grew stronger. I began to get colder. I guess I should head back now. My father would probably kill me if I don't have his dinner ready soon. I kissed my hand and placed it on the ground below. "I love you, Mom."

I lifted myself off the ground and started down the street.


There's yelling in the kitchen as I enter the house. I try my best to keep myself quiet. Before I could disappear upstairs, in comes my father. His phone in one hand and a Budwiser beer bottle in the other.

"Those fucking salesmen never stop calling." He says. It's unbelievable how many times he can get drunk. I don't say anything as he shoves his phone into his pocket and takes another sip of beer. "Why isn't dinner ready...?" He growls.

I swallowed hard. "I just got home... I was going to start when-."

Before I could finish, he brings up his hand and smacks me right across the face. I gasp as he does this. "I told you to be here at seven o'clock!!"

I don't look at him. "It's only six fourty-five..."

Next thing I know, his glass bottle smacks my temple. I end up falling backwards and hitting the floor. My vision is blurry and my body feels weak.

"I didn't raise you to have a smart-ass mouth with me." He yells. "Must've gotten it from your mother..."

Hearing those last words made rage build up inside of me. I looked up at him and glared. "Don't ever talk about my mother like that. She was more of a person than you'll ever be! At least she had a heart."

That pissed him off. He hit me again and kicked me in the stomach. I wrapped my arms around my abdomen groaning in pain. "I don't want to hear from you for the rest of the night." He says in a low voice. He gives me one last kick, then leaves me there in my pain and misery.

Once I got some of my strength back, I slowly limped up the steps and crawled across the floor until I reached my bedroom. I shut the door and locked it. My body was trembling. My mind felt fuzzy. I cupped my hand over my mouth to keep my sobs quiet.

I can't even begin to express my hatred towards my father. I wish he would leave my life. I hate him. He hates me. Why must he continue to ruin everything? Tears streamed down my face. I don't think I could survive being here tonight, but I have nowhere to go. No one will take me in... Unless... There is Austin.

Would he allow me to just go to his house and stay overnight? We've only known each other for like, 3 days. It may backfire... but Austin is a caring person. He could let me stay. I'm gonna go. It's better to try than to question and regret.

I yanked open my drawers and grabbed out a pair of sweatpants and a pajama t-shirt. I grabbed my sweater, a new change of clothes for tomorrow, my phone, and made sure I had all of my school stuff. I was ready.

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