breaking the rules

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(Scar's pov)

I woke up with Niall's arm around me and me curled up to him. I wiggled my way out of his grip without waking him up. I grabbed my jeans and one of Niall's hoodies and went downstairs to see no one up. I saw this as the perfect time to leave. I meant don't get me wrong I love it here but I don't love all the rules Liam put in place. I know he is my big brother but come on having no boys over like what does he think will happen I don't do that stuff and I won't until I am married. So here I am at the bus stop about to head to who knows where and the worst part about it is I don't know anyone to stay with because i just got here like a week ago. So I just rode the bus till the driver yelled at me to get off. So here I am in what I think is the south side of London. I saw a hotel a couple blocks from here so I walked over to it and asked the lady at the desk if I could have a room. She said sure and handed me a room key. It was only 2 in the afternoon so I decided to walk around a bit. I walked till 4 in the evening and decided on some dinner. I saw a little diner on the corner and went there. I was on my way back when I got a phone call. I looked at the caller id and saw Louis was calling me.Louis screamed "WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!" I answered back "I think the south side of London and I'm staying at a hotel so don't worry I'm okay." "Okay Harry and Niall are coming to get you and bring you back but you might want to go to your room because Liam is super mad and worried about you okay" he replied "Okay" I said and hung up. About 30 minutes latter I heard a knock on my door. I got up and answered it and got smashed into a hug by both of the boys. "Don't ever do that to us again okay" Harry said. "Okay" I said "Lets get you back before Liam bites his whole hand off." Niall said "Okay" I said again and walked out the door with them. We got to the car and I screamed shotgun and hoped into the front with a sad looking Niall getting in the back. "Awww are you sad  Niall cause I took your spot." I looked back and asked "Yes but I still love you" he replied back with a mischievous grin on his face.

(skipping to when they get home)

We got home and I got dragged up the stairs by Niall and Louis while Harry stayed downstairs to try and calm Liam down.I got pulled into Louis's room and Niall came in and locked the door. "What are we gonna do" I asked "Ummmmmmmmmm truth or dare" Louis said "Okay" me and Niall said at the same time. "Okay I go first" I said and asked Louis truth or dare. He said dare and I said that he had to run downstairs screaming  fire then run back upstairs. He said okay and did it. He came back out of breath and asked me truth or dare. I almost always pick dare so I did. He dared me to go downstairs and grab Harry's wrist and Liam's and tie the together with duck-tape. I said okay and asked where the tape was. He pulled it out of his drawer and handed it to me. I went downstairs with the tape ready to go. In less than a minute I had both of there wrists and was taping them together. I decided to be mean and tape Liam's legs together also. I ran back upstairs and told them what I did which earned me a hug from Niall and a kiss on the cheek from Louis which got a jealous and a little mad look from Niall. "OKAY WHERE IS SHE" Liam yelled. I had just enough time to hide in Louis closet before he came storming into the room. "WHERE IS SHE" he yelled again. "Mate calm down she's okay." I heard him come closer to the closet and then light flooded the space I was in. I was pulled up by my wrist and dragged down the stairs and basically thrown on the couch. "What the heck Liam" I yelled at him. "Oh you know what you did" he yelled back "Yeah I ran away so what I was okay I was safe and I'm here now aren't I." I argued back "Yeah you are but you could have gotten hurt" "I'M SORRY I MESSED UP OKAY I'M SORRY I'M A MISTAKE I'M SORRY I WAS EVER BORN" I screamed and ran upstairs to Louis's room and collapsed onto the floor. I was instantly picked up by Niall and carried to his room. We ran into Liam in the hallway and he tried to talk to me but Niall told him to leave me alone and to go back downstairs. I thanked him when we got to his room and he said it was no problem. He layed me on the bed and I told him I had to get my pajama pants on. He said okay and turned around so I could get changed. I quickly changed into my sweatpants and climbed into bed and Niall wrapped his arm around me but I was to tired to care.


sorry for the mistakes and you all need to hear Infinity like now it's by One Direction and it is really awesome 

love you all 

peace out rainbow trout 

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