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This week, I thought I'd start focusing on Lullaby. The first eighteen chapters of Lullaby are posted here, if you want to read along and ask questions or discuss them.

I'll also be commenting on chapters directly and writing facts or insights about them.

But for my first post on Lullaby, I thought I would talk about Sawyer. He's a new character introduced in this book, and he was actually named after my friend's cat, who in turn named the cat after the character on Lost. I was brainstorming the idea for Sawyer, and I was trying to come up with a name for him, and I just kept coming up blank. Then my friend mentioned his cat Sawyer, and I was like, "That's it. That's the name."

Sawyer isn't a major character in Lullaby - not like Gemma or Harper or Daniel or Alex. But I think he's definitely important. He's also the first person we see under the spell of sirens for any length of time, and it's the first glimpse at what the sirensong can really do to a person.

His relationship with Penn also shows a different side of her. Well, maybe not a different side, but it expands on her more devious traits, and Sawyer's presences also illuminated the more twisted aspects of Penn's relationship with Lexi.

Physically, Sawyer is kinda loosely based on Jonathan Taylor Thomas, because I think he's the foxiest boy in the world, and I always think that every book can be improved by the addition of more foxy boys.

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