Giancarlo Vedeo Lavajet: What to Pack When Visiting Italy

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Italy in the summer and the winter is a beautiful and pleasant place to travel for individuals and families. To fully enjoy one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, make sure you pack these items:

1). A sweater. You will need a good sweater in all seasons. Even in the summer, when the weather is hot and humid, the evenings can cool off considerably, especially if you stay in a coastal town or on an island. Afternoon thunderstorms also pass through the coastal towns. In the winter, while the climate is much milder than the Midwestern United States, it can be wet and chilly in most areas. Take a hat, coat, and gloves in the winter time.

2). Sturdy and comfortable walking shoes. Shoes may be an obvious item for experienced travelers, but too many Americans try to stumble around Rome in flip-flops. Make sure you have the footwear to walk around the old stone streets with ease.

3). Nice clothes. You'll notice almost immediately that Italians like to dress up when they go out. While you won't be required to wear a suit and tie in most dining establishments, you'll stick out if you don't have a nice shirt or dress to wear.

Giancarlo Vedeo is a native Italian and the President of the Italian waste management company Lavajet. His company has helped many cities throughout Italy maintain their beauty and properly dispose of waste materials. Lavajet is based in his hometown of Varazze, Italy. He has helped keep his city fully cleansed.

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