We both can't be right though. One of us is wrong. I have always acted like this, and he says he has too. It's not possible, I would've remembered! For me to remember everything wrong doesn't make any sense either. Because what I remember seems so real. But I can't explain why I'm remembering things wrong, or what is wrong with my memory, so anything is possible.

Soul puts his hand on my shoulder, "Maka, I believe you." I look up at him shocked. He is not my Soul. Even if Soul knew he was wrong he'd never admit to it. He grins down at me, "if you think you've always acted like this, then I'll believe you. But I will try to help you see if anything rings a bell or find out what happened to you when you got knocked unconscious."

I sigh in frustration. I'm mad, and usually Soul does or says something to piss me off by now. When he does, I can release my frustration by yelling at him or hitting him because he's acting like an ass and being insensitive. But Soul is being supportive and not saying anything, so I don't have a reason to yell or hit him. I sigh and plop backwards onto the bed, nothing makes sense anymore. I'm not yelling at Soul, because I'm frustrated either, it goes against my morals if he hasn't done anything to deserve it.

Soul looks down at me, "I'm really hoping we can find a solution to this, because frankly, your new attitude is starting to scare me."

I pull a pillow over my face, grinding my teeth, "how so?" He's even starting to talk like me now. He acts like me in a way and it's annoying.

"You're actually being nice, and you haven't yelled at me at all since you came home," Soul says with an unsure tone in his voice, almost like he regrets he's saying it. Soul would call me a whiney, bossy, bratty and still say it like nothing. Soul isn't making any sense to me!

I lift the pillow away from my face, "I never yell at you, unless you deserve it."

Soul smiles, "and that too, you have a voice of reason now." I furrow my eyebrows at him, he's the weird one. I'm pretty sure the Soul I remember, doesn't know the meaning to half the words he's even using now. Soul pokes my cheek, "go to your room, so you can change. We can go meet up with Kid and everyone else. Everyone was pretty worried when they heard you were unconscious. I'm sure they'd like to see how you're doing."

I roll over on the bed, "this isn't my room?" I thought this was my room.

Soul smirks, "you wish your room was this clean." Okay, now he's starting to act like the Soul I know, except he's as messy as a pig.

I sigh in relief, "then where is my room?"

"I'll show you," Soul says walking towards the bedroom door. We walk into the hallway and everything is Victorian looking and so pretty. I look on the wall and see portraits of people I've never seen before. Soul smiles, "you're going to need me to reteach you, your way around here, huh?" I nod in amazement staring at everything surrounding us. This is a mansion alright, from just in the hallway, it's huge! Soul walks a couple of rooms away from his, "here we are." I run to the door after him, "this is your room, be ready in half an hour, okay?" I nod as I open the door and walk in.

I shut the door and I'm speechless, this mess reminds me of Soul's room back home. I mean if that even exists. I start to clean up the mess. This, I don't know. Maybe seeing Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, Kid and them will help clear up my confusion. I pick up some clothes of the floor and put them in my hamper sitting in the corner. My room surprisingly feels empty. There is one picture sitting on my dresser. It's of me, Soul, and Wes, I'm guessing. I've never actually met him, I've only heard stories of him from Soul.

There's no books here either. I sigh and walk to my closet. I pick out my other outfit, it's not my white DWMA uniform, but I really did like my old black jacket anyway. I change and walk back to my dresser. I look in the mirror and then at the picture on the dresser. I still look the same. Minus the makeup.

Soul said 30 minutes, I'm already done, in less then 10. I sigh and walk around my room. It doesn't look like this room is used for much except from housing clothes. The bed is neatly made. I sigh, I don't remember this room, I remember my room, in mine and Soul's apartment. I sigh and look at the door. I finish picking of my room and organizing all of the random things tossed on the floor a few minute later.

I'm done, I really want to talk to Kid, so I guess, I'll go find Soul now. I walk out of the room and close the door. I don't really remember what door it was though. I walk down the direction I came from, um, I think it was this door. I raise my hand to knock on the door.

"You're actually knocking," I hear a voice ask from down the hall. I turn towards the voice and press my back against the door in surprise. I see a boy who looks almost exactly like Soul, but older and slightly taller. It's weird to see exactly how closely the two look alike. Same white hair and facial features practically, it's weird. "What do you need from Soul now Princess?" I stand there speechless pressing my back into the door further. I open my mouth to speak but I can't think of anything to say. "Well Princess, at loss of words I see," the boy says smirking slightly. I open my mouth to try and say something again, but I'm falling backwards before I even realize what's happening.


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