Ch 4. So I met Him

Start from the beginning

"Would you like a table, booth or takeout?" She asked and I smiled at her gently as to not scare her off.

"Booth, please." She guided me at a booth by a window. Once I sat down she gave me a menu and took out her pencil and pad.

"What would you like to drink?" I looked inside the menu to go over my options.

"A chocolate milkshake, please" I said. She wrote it down.

"What would you like to eat?" This time I didn't need to look at the menu.

"A nice, big, juicy hamburger with; lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, bacon, cheese, no onions a bit of mayo on each bun and a large side of fries." I said to her as she wrote it all down as fast as she could. She looked at me again and this time smiled.

"Anything else, Honey?" I shook my head and handed her back the menu.

"No that's all, thank you." She grab the menu back and walked away. I then open my clutch and took out my phone. It had full battery on it, so that's good and decided to group text the girls.

Me: "Hey are you guys awake?"

Esme: "Yeah. I cannot sleep. I have been having morning sickness."

Lissa: "Yea im up and Esme, shouldn't u throw up when the sun is actually up?"

I looked the clock on my phone it was 1:30 in the morning. I rolled my eyes at her text.

Me: "It is morning you dunner head."

Lissa: "Well to me its not. It aint morning 'til I see the sun. So how is the party?"

Esme: "That is right, how is the party?"

Me: "I wouldn't know. I left awhile ago."

Lissa: "Huh, what?"

Esme: "How come?"

Me: "Everyone was worshipping Evan and his new promotion being CEO."

Lissa: "That a**hole! How I wish to kick in the the balls just for him to feel how u felt all this time."

Esme: "Lissa! Don't wish ill things for other people, you should know better."

Lissa: "Oh like ur the one to talk, u should know what Rosie is going through. After all, ur husband cheated on u WITH UR SISTER. I still can't believe u forgave her, u let people walk all over u!

Lissa: "u are 2 soft, u should stand ur ground. A teacher like u shouldn't be so f*cken uptight. Let urself loose...well...after my little niece or nephew is born.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at that little comment Melissa made about Esmeralda's baby. The waitress came back and set down my Milkshake and my burger and fries.

"Thank you very much." I said to her, not removing my eyes from my food. She laughed.

"It's nothing. If there is any else you need just let me know." With that she went back to the podium she was before. I looked back at my phone just in time to see Esmeralda's text.

Esme: "Whatever okay? Listen, there is something I need to tell you guys. A student of mine after school came to my class saying that he needed help and wanted me to tutor him."

Lissa: "And knowing u, u said yes, right?"

Esme: "Shut up! Anyway, I said yes and I tutored him. While I had my back turned, writing something on the board, I didn't even feel or see him move as he grind me from behind."

Me: "Wait what!?"

Lissa: "Shouldn't that be illegal or something?"

Esme: Shut up Melissa, don't you think I don't know that!?"

I started to eat my food and shake as Esmeralda explained to us her situation with her student. It was pretty scary because this boy could get her into a lot of trouble. Turns out this boy fell in love with her at first sight at the beginning of his high school life. He waited until his junior year to have her class and according to Esmeralda he doesn't take no for an answer and the worse part of it is. He is not 18. 

Me: "Look we will talk about this in another time, I have got to go alright? Talk to you guys soon."

I didn't look or wait for their replies back and pushed the power button to turn off the screen and put it in my clutch. I then walked to the podium and the waitress looked at me.

"Leaving so soon Sugar?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah. The food was good by the way. How much do I owe?" She looked at her pad.

"The total is $10.59." I sighed remembering that I don't have any money. Then I looked at my wrist. I removed the bracelet and gave it to her. "This should cover for the food and your tip." I said as she took it, stunned.

"This is too much, are you sure this is okay?" I shook my head and lifted up my hands to stop her.

"Trust me when I say this; the person who gave it to me didn't give it because he wanted to, he had to." I then walked out and headed in the direction of the park. I walked around the the park twice until I was a bit tired. I saw a bench and sat down.
I never thought my life would have ended up like this.

I let my thoughts run wild as I gaze upon the stars. As I did this,  I did not notice my surroundings and a man sat down next to me. I jumped in fright when I heard him say,

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't be alone and crying." My head almost whiplash to see a very handsome man that ooze sexuality. From what I could tell in the dark, he had broad shoulders; tall. He has dark hair and very green eyes.  He was wearing a dress shirt and denim jeans with tennis shoes. I cleared my throat.
"I'm sorry what?" He tilted his head a bit and smiled a bit.

"You're crying. I can see the tears in your eyes." I hurriedly looked down and tried to wipe them away without stinging my eyes with makeup until I saw a tissue in my line of vision.

"Here, this might help." I took it and quickly wiped them away.

"You didn't answer my question Miss." I looked at him. What was I supposed to say to a man I just met?

"Why should answer a question to a man I just met?" I retorted him. He sighed and shook his head.

"You are absolutely right, where are my manners. I suppose names are in order." He lifted his hand to introduce himself, "My name is Mark. And yours is?" I looked at his hand then at his face. I took his hand in mine and shook it.

"Very nice to met you Mark. My name is Rose; but you can call me Rosie."

A.N: Hello everyone here in WattyWorld! Here is a new chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Please Read, review, vote and share with other people. See ya guys soon! :D

*The picture up top or on the side is the gown Rosie wore to the party.

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