Her father frowned, swiftly standing, "Dynasty!"

She clamped her mouth shut before grabbing her dress in her fist and storming from the room.

Adam's eyes followed behind her, finding her utterly amusing.

"I apologize for my daughter, she's rather outspoken."

Adam waved it off, his eyes a glow with anticipation of the week to come. "Don't worry, I'm not offended in the least. If you'll excuse me?"

Her father nodded as Adam walked from the room, following behind Dynasty as she stormed back into the library.

"Upset princess?" He asked playfully.

She turned around, her eyes narrowing on him. "What are you up to?"

He chuckled. "Why is it so hard for you to wrap your mind around me wanting you?"

Her cheeks flushed pink and she raised her chin defiantly.

"Because you're a skirt chaser! There are tons of women around London looking for a husband! Women much prettier than I!"

His smile fell and he looked at her, his eyes locking with hers for a long moment. "You don't think you're pretty?"

She took a defensive step back, her lashes lowering. "That's not what this is about."

"I think it is."

"Oh enough! I won't play your game. I'll tolerate your presence because it is what I must do but do not expect any kind of interaction between us."

"You don't enjoy my presence?"

"Don't try to flatter yourself, not all women will fall at your feet."

"But I do recall you falling victim to my charm."

She raised a brow. "I don't  remember such a thing."

"Would you still like a dance?"

She blushed pink, her jaw clenching. "That was before I realized you were an ass."

He laughed, his head thrown back.

"You are truly the most interesting woman I have ever met."

"And you're the most annoying man I've ever met."

"Am I?" He said a bit absentmindedly as he moved toward her, his eyes devouring her. She took a step back trying to avoid his obvious attention.

"Stay away from me. You're intentions are not honorable. You may have my parents fooled but I am not so easily swayed."

His smile spread and he took one large step toward her, trapping her against the wall. She scowled darkly. "Move."

He placed his hands on either side of the wall beside her head, locking her in his arms. "Do you really want me to?"

She grit her teeth and spat, "Yes, I really want you to!"

He ignored her words and ran a finger across her cheek, stopping at her lips. "I really do think you're beautiful."

She slapped his hand away. "I don't need validation from you."

He tilted his head, a soft smile on his lips. "No, you don't need validation from me because you are a beautiful woman."

She blushed furiously looking away from the intensity in his gaze.

"You deserve an award for your level of excellency in whispering sweet nothings."

He laughed, stepping away from her. "You never cease to amuse me."

She huffed once more before straightening her dress,"I'm glad you find me so amusing." 

 He moved around the space of the library picking through the books on the shelves with feigned interest. He picked up a novel and flipped through the pages randomly.

"And though midnight was nothing compared to the stark contrast that was his heart, the sunrise being that as it was, nothing could ever seem to compare to the marvelous extravagance that blossomed within her at the thought of him." He stopped reading and smiled toward her before closing the book.

"You're a fan of romance?" He asked.

She blushed pink before clearing her throat suddenly filled with embarrassment. "It's just a novel."

"Wanting romance is nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm not ashamed of anything."

He sighed, placing the book back where it belonged. "Who did it to you?"

She furrowed her brows in confusion.


"Who made you a skeptic of love? Who made you doubt your beauty?" His smile was gone now, a serious look adorned his face.

Her heart dropped for a moment as his eyes locked with hers and it was as if he could see the depths of her soul. Her breath caught and she lifted her chin high in defense. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She moved past him and headed for the door, running from the truth, running from the potential awakening of old wounds. 

Adam watched her go, staying silent as she disappeared down the hall.   

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