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"I am the best."  she whispered to herself while staring at her reflection in the full length mirror of her bedroom. maybe if I say it enough I'll start to believe it... she thought to herself. "I'm the best" she murmured to herself again while fixing her bangs and making sure her pigtails were even. the stepped back and looked at herself once more. even though her brand new Metamorphose one piece dress looked perfect on her, paired with her favorite Demonia Mary Jane shoes, she was still uneasy. she fluffed up her petticoat for the fourth time and checked to make sure her kneesocks matched. she took a deep breath, picked up her bag and left her room.

on the way out of the house she bumped into her mother.

"Wow, your going to class like that?"

"Yea, why?" she replied coldly

"No reason...." her mother said

"Well I'm leaving now, as it is I only have half an houer to get to class"

"Ok, bye Nana"

"Bye" Nana replied quietly

if people in my own family can't accept how i dress, how could i expect anyone out there too? she huffed thanks mom you made me a whole lot less nervous!!

as she left her building Nana fished her Ipod out of her bag and put in the earbuds to drown out any whispers and laughs on her fashion sense. even though it diden't completely bind her from the pointing fingers and stares, it helped to hear her favorite Japanese pop group.

singing along to the music in her head, she swiped her traincard and walked into the dim, muggy trainstation. and waited for the train to arrive. in the gruleing 5 minute wait she ignored and pretended not to see peoples strange looks and women who were obviously talking about her.  when the train arrived she stepped into the bright, air conditiond train car and took a seat for the long ride.

after the long 20 minute journy Nana was staring at the pre-med NYU building.

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