Chapter seven: The beginning of the end part 2

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No one P.O.V
The fight was a blood bath. The Titans and gods armies showed no mercy to one another as they fought and soon the floor was matted with blood with bodies littering the floor. The Primordials went straight for one another. Aether and Hemera went straight for their parents Nyx and Erebus. Pontus and his newly arrived wife Thalassa fought Hydros. Anake and Chronos took on Gaea and Ouranos. Chaos, Order and Balance went after Perseus, Hestia and Poseidon. Eros sadly had to fight Tartarus. The gods and there armies went straight for their Titan counterparts and their armies, hack, slash, jab, roll, dodge was all you could see on the field.
Fight between Aether,Hemera,nyx,and Erebus:
The four Primordials of day and night were amazing to watch. Aether with his royal primordial silver sword and shield fought against his father Erebus. The two used anything to their advantage. Aether used light, fire, sun waves, radiation, heat, sun plasma, anything to counter attack his fathers attacks. The fight was destructive as the field around them was obliterated by the energy used by both opponents. The fight between the two ended however when Aether fainted a blow to his fathers head and when Erebus went to block the strike, Aether quickly changed directions and plunged his sword deep in his fathers heart while beheading him with his shield. Aether then crumpled to his knees saying forgive me over and over. Hemera's fight with Nyx was going well. She kept dancing around her mothers attacks and like Aether, Hemera finished off her mother but cutting off both her arms and beheading her. The two primordials of day then wept together over the destruction of their parents.
Fight between Eros and Tartarus:
Tartarus was already from the start winning the fight. Eros was being thrown like a rag doll. Tartarus standing over Eros about to bring the finishing blow hesitated. His brother Eros hung his head waiting for the strike to come, and when it did not he looked up to see Tartarus weeping silently. Tartarus then looked at Eros and said "I'm sorry.." Before bringing down his sword. What Tartarus didn't see was that Eros thinking he had the chance threw a knife at him that wouldn't miss his heart. Simultaneously Eros and Tartarus were punctured through their chests and hearts by their brothers blades and both collapsed to the ground, fading. Both faded away which was a shocking event since Tartarus who was the strongest primordial of all, was killed by Eros the weakest of all primordials.
Fight between Pontus, Thalassa and Hydros:
Pontus was afraid. Yes he and his wife Thalassa were both primordials of the seas but Hydros was the strongest water deity ever to live. Charging at Hydros Pontus slashed and hacked at his brother hoping to end this fight before either him or Thalassa could be killed. Hydros easily blocked the strikes until Thalassa came. Like a whirlwind and a well oiled machine, Thalassa and Pontus were fighting Hydros for five hours until hrdros made the mistake of stabbing Thalassa though the chest. Seeing her fall to the floor and fade before his very eyes, something in Pontus snapped. The next thing he knew was he was on top of Hydros stabbing him in the face until his head was nothing but a pile of meat. Pontus then sat there and wept, knowing his wife was forever separated from him.
Fight between Chronos,Anake, Gaia, and Ouranos:
Theses four Primordials were dangerous in battle. Chronos and Anake, Time and fate, fought together against Gaea and Ouranos, Sky and Earth. It was mass destruction as the four primordials fought it out. The fight was going well for Chronos and Anake. Gaea and Ouranos, although powerful fighting together we're no match for Chronos and Anake, the two most powerful primordials to fight against. Chronos and Anake were dangerous on their own but together they were unstoppable, time and fate working as one to bring down their foes. The fight continued on until Chronos, each of his hands wielding a chaos metal scythe, managed to cut off both of Ouranos's arms. His opponent now defenseless, Chronos walked  to his brother and slashed and hacked until Ouranos was cut into a million pieces, just like what happened to him the first time after his son Kronos defeated him. Seeing her husband die Gaea broke down. Now alone Gaea gave up the fight and Anake quickly decapitated Gaea, wanting to end her as quick as possible even though Gaea allowed herself to be killed. Although they won, Chronos and Anake were fading. The fight took a lot out of them and looking at each other and the earth one last time Chronos and Anake joined their brothers and sisters in the void.
Fight between Gods and Titans:
With the Titans armies all decimated and half their allies faded or killed the 12 olympians confronted the now weak and vulnerable Titans. Engaging their aunts and uncles in battle the gods and Titans fought. The fight was an even match until one by one the Titans were  eitherknocked out or faded from their fight. This continued until it was only Iapetus, Atlas, and Kronos. Surrounding them the Gods of Olympus were ready to finish what they started all those years ago. "The time has come father, surrender or endure Tartarus. Your primordial allies have faded, your armies decimated and your fellow Titans defeated or faded. Give up now!" Yelled Zeus. "I give up. I have lost." Kronos said bitterly knowing he had lost the last chance he had at having his children with him. "You thwarted me. Hahaha, and to think I thought after I won the war I was going to let you guys free. Well dear children it was nice while it lasted, finish me..." Kronos said, bowing his head in defeat. Before striking the final blow, it appeared Atlas had other plans. Grabbing his scythe from him Atlas stabbed Kronos in the chest with it then turning to his left he ripped the head off of Iapetus while shoving a chaos metal sword he picked up down his now headless neck. The gods watched in horror as Iapetus faded from existence and Kronos fall to his knees. "You old fool.! We could have won if you hadn't let emotion and love cloud you judgement!" Bellowed Atlas. Getting over their shock the gods blasted Atlas with their full power forcing Atlas to fade. Zeus, along with his siblings ran up to their father. "It if...I...won't through...this huh? Hehe...and I..was grow up...and...possibly marry...although from a...jail cell I...still would've been...happy." Kronos coughed out. "What do you mean father? Weren't you wanting to destroy us?" Hera asked. " I just kids back...but those blasted fates....took that..from me...although I did....try I wasn't good....enough to rule. So they...made it your...fate to wasn't by...your hands." Kronos said. "Oh father, why, why did you do it then!? We could have been a family!" Sobbed Demeter. Kronos shook his head bitterly. " wouldn't have been....possible...I was doomed....from the beginning...ack!" Kronos started a coughing fit spewing ichor from his mouth. "It..appears my time...has come. Farewell...dear children...may" those were the last words Kronos got out before he faded. The gods sat there stunned there father was now gone, now knowing it was the fates who caused all this. The gods then made a memorial dedicated to their father, may chaos have mercy on him...
Fight between Chaos,Order,Balance,Perseus,Hestia and Poseidon:
Watching all their allies fall and the betrayal of Atlas Perseus, Hestia, and Poseidon now stood alone. "You see? All of your allies and armies have been defeated and you three stand alone now. Please just give up your fight and let us break you from your curse." Chaos asked soothingly. "Never! You made most of my family fade! You made those damn fates make the war turn in your blasted favor!! You killed all of my royal subjects instead of capturing them and you expect me to just QUIT!!" Bellowed Perseus. That left chaos shocked. He felt some of the Titans fade but he didn't think Perseus would care for them. That's when Perseus bowed his head down and said the last part that made chaos even more guilty. "You even made my lover Selene fade, and you want to know the amusing part? She was confronted by the leader of your army and she surrendered peacefully knowing she would be defeated or killed. You want to know what your general did to her? He took out both his swords and cut off her arms. Then he hacked and slashed at her until she was covered in cuts. Then he stabbed her in all her major intestines. And do you know what put the cherry on top? He slashed the words property of Chaos on her before beheading her while stabbing her in the heart." Perseus said through tears. "You made her fade and all she did was surrender peacefully! Let's just say your general got what was coming to him." Perseus said. Suddenly a corpse fell from the sky. It was putrid. The body was nothing but cut up meat. All its bones were crushed and pushed or snapped in wrong directions. Hen it said clear as day on its forehead property of Perseus in neat little cursive handwriting. Using that as a distraction Perseus then charged at chaos while his other siblings attacked the other two Primordials. Perseus with hatred in his heart hacked, slashed, stabbed, punched, kicked, and even slapped chaos. Chaos although he was powerful, he was no match for Perseus when he was angry. Perseus then punched chaos in the nose shattering it before kicking chaos in the stomach where chaos felt one of his intestine be crushed. Looking over at his siblings Hestia and Poseidon were simotaniously knocked out from battle. Though they were out they managed to make chaos siblings fade from the battle, although they were very. Very weak, Perseus knew they wouldn't fade. Turning around Perseus was meet with a punch to the face making him fall to the ground seeing stars. Chaos then walked up to the now half conscious Perseus said sorry then kicked Perseus in the side of the head knocking him out. The battle with the Titans was now over.

Perseus Jackson, First born son of Kronos and RheaWhere stories live. Discover now