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"I've had enough of you kids, all of you!!!! And as for you, where were you last night you little whore. Huh, HUH?!!! In my own house, you have the right to be a stripper?!!! Who do you think you are?!!!"
"SHUT UP!! You lie here morning to night, drinking your life away. Please if I didn't become a stripper where would the money come from, you? Hahaha, that's so amusing to think of. You're just a useless thing. Stupid drunkard."
We all knew what was coming next but we were all powerless so we just had to watch the horror. Right in our eyes, she was sent to the ground, lifeless at that moment.
"What are you all looking at?!!! You wanna be like that too?! I'd be glad to put a dent in your skulls if you request it. Now if you have nothing to do, get out of my sight."
Tonight's exchange was not new to us. It had happened every night even before dad knew about mom's job. I could not cope with the constant battering. I needed to get away as soon as possible but where could I go to? My question was finally answered this very night.
"Keisha, pack your bags and leave this house right now and take these fucking pieces of junk you made me produce with you!"
"I have all rights to this house, I'm the one paying the rent while you sit there getting your scrawny ass all drunk."
"You're calling me a drunkard. Have you forgotten what you are fucking whore, you're a first class junkie so let's not be hypocritical here now get out of my house before I fucking pull this trigger. I give you 3 seconds."
3...2...1... That was it, she collapsed to the ground lifeless, for good this time. What next for me, I ran, faster than I ever could. Where was I running to?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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