Louis's baby...

31 1 0

First word: Jimmy
Looks: Piercing blue eyes and lushous brown hair.
Traits: Sassy, Loud, Sweet, Charming, cheeky amazayn personality all round.
Best friend in the band: Harry
Girlfriends name in years to come: Brittany (Dunno really random)

Hey guys!, Oh my god Ive got a 115 reads on my book. I love you all so much <3 Who is exicted for louis to be a dad 🙋

Anyway (brace yourselfs for total self absorbent news) IM IN YEAR 8!) If your American that means 2nd year Btw. Are any of you from america or any other countries or are you english folk like me 😎

Leave a comment or message me for a preference or anything else like a shoutout or.. i dont know...

well love you guys so much!!!
Bye guys keep on being awesome <3

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