Chapter 9: The Perfect Accident

Start from the beginning

"Just as a friend?"

I crossed my arms and smirked. Yeah, you could say that I was playing hard to get at this point.

He shook his head and muttered 'no' under his breath.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh? Then how?"

"Like...I-I like you, a lot..not just as a friend, but as more than that."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He seemed nervous, but he smiled back. Slightly.

"Oh, come on. You have to work harder than that to get any more kisses."

I smiled innocently and shrugged. He frowned, obviously thinking.

I sat there and waited for, what seemed like, forever. Finally, he did something. It was a little much, but I enjoyed it. (( that made no sense /.\ ))

[ EJ's POV ]

I leaned down and kissed (Y/N), causing her to kiss back. I picked her up by the bottom and she straddled me, making me blush a little.

I've never done anything like this before. I've never even had my first kiss before this...

I held her tightly so that she wouldn't fall. We still kissed and I felt her hands resting against my neck. Every once in a while, her hand twitched, causing me to get chills.

I thought she was cute. Everything about her was cute. The way she talked, her voice, her smile, her laugh, her personality. I couldn't help myself. There was nothing left for me to do but fall more in love with her, if that was possible.

I felt myself getting a little more turned on after every second that went by. I walked over and set her on my surgery table. She let go and caught her breath. I did the same, even though I didn't need to.

I didn't want to stare while she puffed.


After a moment, she pulled me back into a kiss, but this time, it was more passionate.

It was like she actually loved me. Did she? That thought ran all through my mind. At least, until her next actions, which confirmed that she did.

[ Your POV ]

I stayed kissing him until the time was right. I didn't want him to think that I was only doing this

I can't even think about it. How can people pretend to love someone for that reason only? It disgusts me...

I slipped my hand under his jacket and felt his chest. It was warm and stone-hard.

I never had noticed that he was actually fit, because he always wore a sweatshirt.

I saw him blush when I peeked at him, and I blushed with him. I slipped it off if him and he gladly helped me take it off.

Now all there was in the way was his shirt.

I was about to take it off, but he did it before I did. He lifted it over his head and threw it on the floor when he was done. I stared at him and blushed harder. I couldn't help it.

He kissed me again, but only for a split second. When he let go, I was a little shocked, but I was more curious about what he would do next. He poked my side, making me spit out a laugh, and rubbed the hem of my shirt. "It's your turn, (Y/N). I can't be the only one without a shirt on. That's not very fair~" he said, making the end sound more sexual than needed. I blushed and nodded, too embarrassed to say anything.

I grabbed the end of my shirt and felt my hands shaking. "Am I ready for this?" I asked myself, slipping it off. I caught myself smiling, knowing in my heart what my answer was.

[ EJ's POV ]

I inspected her up and down, but not enough to make it noticeable. "You're very-" I cleared my throat and tried my to blush, which I'd immediately failed at. I felt myself blushing harder than usual, but I ignored it, hoping that it would go away. "-pretty."

"Pretty?! I sound like a creep!" I thought, regretting my word choice. She blushed and looked away, trying to hide her body. I felt horrible, because why should she feel like that?

I walked up to her and gently slipped my hands into hers and pulling. I swung our hands, squeezing a little.

"You're absolutely beautiful, (Y/N). There's no need to hide."

She beamed as I kissed her, and I couldn't help but smile myself.

She laid down and patted beside her. I blushed slightly and laid down by her side. She nuzzled her face into my neck and sighed. I held her closely and closed my eyes.

"So are we going to do it or what?"

I quickly opened my eyes and stared at her. I felt heat rising onto my face from embarrassment. "I-I mean, if you-you want to."

She giggled, which made me smile.

"You sound like Toby. You're not going to do that the whole time, are you?" I shook my head and kissed the side of her forehead. "No way."

How you like? 🌚 I was going to make the little..."scene" in this chapter, but it's already too long. I mean, rn it's at 1,469 words. Damn. There a very high chance that this and the next chapter will be posted today, if not at the same time. Okie, baiii !! ^w^ INFGTBGFHB I TRIED COPYING MY LONG ASS NEXT CHAPTER AND I HIT CUT!! IT WONT COME BACK AND I FORGIT WHAT I WROTE!!! FUUUUUUCK!!!!

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