To The Food Hall!

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"We are who we were last time we were here guys!" Keaton laughed.

The girls stopped screaming but had the biggest smile on their face. I rolled my eyes. They're just teen guys. That are attractive... But still! Come on girls.

"Yeah just treat us like normal guys." Drew said.

They're always so chill and carefree. I could kill them for that. Well not really because then they'd be dead and gone and yeah...

Some of the girls shrugged and went off others still stood. But Danny, Julia, and myself left.

"Brooke?" One of the boys said as if making sure it was me.

I turned around but didn't see them anymore. The girls made no entrance. So I just kept walking.

We sat in some nearby grass for a few minutes, looking to see who came. Of course I started ripping out and playing with the grass. It's a habbit.

After 10 more minutes Julia nudged me.

"Looks like you're not the only one coming in a limo." She laughed, pointing to the limo that just pulled up.

I crooked my head. Hmm. Wonder who it could be.

We got up and walked closer. The door opened and screaming intensified. I covered my ears, as did Danny and Julia. Holy shit! I'm gonna have to get like a hearing aid or something! Aw nah. I can't do that. People would think I'm all old like and not sexy...

The sun roof opened and there popped up Louis Tomlinson.

Yup. Louis of One Direction.

"Awesome." I muttered.

Julia nudged me once more and we walked away towards the pond, it was kinda big, it had a beach and everything. Even a rope swing hung off the tree so you could swing on it and jump into the pond.

"This isn't gonna be like other years now." I mumbled, still hearing faint screams in the background.

"Lighten up hun." Julia said skipping a stone into the water, the sun was just setting.

"It'll be alright." Danny said putting his arm around my waist.

We were sitting on the beach watching the water ripple.

"I hope." I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

Having two boy bands at camp. Yay.

"Lighten up!" Julia said splashing some water on us.

We all started messing around and running on the beach. Danny even did the thing where he grabs you from behind and spins you around. I loved every second of it.

"Brooke?" I heard a voice say.

We all stopped our laughter and looked.

"Keaton!" I said, running up to him and hugging him.

"It's nice to see you again!" He chuckled.

"I've missed you!" I told him as we separated.

"And Julia!" Keaton said opening up his arms as she came towards him.

They hugged and exchanged a few words. Julia always had a thing for boys' long hair and Keaton laughed when she reached up to stroke his head.

"Hey Danny." Keaton greeted.

"Hey Keaton." Danny replied.

They were kind of friends. I don't know.

"Hey Keats!" I heard Drew call running over to him.

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