Music Wars

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Today is the day. My mom and dad are signing us up for our annual summer camp. Every year we go. It's what I look forward to the most during the year! I know what you are thinking, happy about a summer camp?

No actually. Excited about summer camp!

It's the one time of the year we can get away from EVERYTHING. Just a bunch of people like us chilling and having an awesome time!

Another thing you are probably thinking is, who is this we and us?

Well I'll tell ya. There's me, Devin, and Ryan. My brother and sister. I'm the baby of the family. Yaay. Well I'm 17, and Ryan and Devin are 17 also! How? You guessed it, maybe... Well we are triplets. What a joy right?! Well it's not that bad... I guess.

The whole people like us? Well. We are kind of rich. Kind of? No. A lot. Yeah it's a camp for more so rich people. But it doesn't look like it. It's a summer camp with log cabins and all that. It looks like it'd be for anyone.

It's normal.


"Guys get packing!" My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs.

Just sayin, we kind of live in a mansion. With two stair cases. Yeah. Rich. Insert sigh here!

I reply with a simple, "yes mother!"

While Ryan and Devin reply with, "hold on I'm about to beat him/her!"

They always play Xbox together. And that's what they are doing now. And you'd think that they are in the same room right? Wrong. They are in their rooms playing on separate systems with head sets. Occasionally I'll join them but I'm too excited! Two more days! Then summer camp!

"Now!" My mom pushed.

And just then I heard, "OWNED! BY A GIRL! YOUR OWN SISTER!"

"Mooom!! Make her stop!" Ryan whined.

"Just pack!" Our mom laughed.

They started bickering but I closed my door so I could just barely hear it. Nothing a little music can't fix! I walk over to my radio and plug in my iPod to it. Put on The A Team by Ed Sheeran and turned it up. I grabbed my suit case from under my bed and started putting the usual stuff in it.

I went through my checklist in my head. Got my bathing suits, shirts, shorts, jeans, sweatshirts, hats, ect.

Then I heard banging at my door.

"What?!" I yelled over the music.

"Brooke! Turn your music down!" Dev yelled.

I went to open my door.

"Why so you can listen to your precious One Direction?" I said with a fake fangirl moment.

"Girl, don't make me cut you." Dev laughed.

"Oh my dear Devin! Unladylike!" I said quite posh-like.

"Oh my dear Brooklyn! I don't care." She said imitating me, except dropping her expression at the end.

"How about you both shut up and turn your music down?" Ryan said popping up out of no where.

"Why so you can listen to Emblem3?" Dev and I said in unison.

Yes our brother is a guy emblem. I find it hilarious! No, he's not gay. Completely straight. But funny story! We kind of know the boys of Emblem3. They went to camp before with us! But that was a few years ago.

He gave us that look of whatever just shut up now.

"Ry Ry!" Dev teased.

"Do NOT call me that Dee."

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