Luke - Brake Lights

Start from the beginning

"So," Ashton claps his hands together to gather everyone's attention, "should we take my car or Calum's?"

"My car is a mess, so yours." Calum chuckles.

"Okay, then let's go to the beach!" Ashton jumps up from the couch to head towards the door with the rest of the boys when you pull him aside.

"What the hell, Ashton?! How could you do this to me? You know I don't want to be around him!" You snap. You can feel the vein in your neck throbbing from the sudden stress.

"Look Y/N, I love you, but I also love Luke. I want both of you in my life, so you guys just need to work through this. Now come on or Michael will leave without us, because he's bound and determined to find a cutie at the beach today." He jokes trying to lighten the thick tension in the air.

You roll your eyes at him and push past him to join the rest of the boys in Ashton's car. You groan inwardly when you realize the only spot left is right next to Luke who is currently in the middle with Calum on the other side. Calum gives you an encouraging thumbs up and a huge smirk, and you can't help but giggle at him.

"Sorry, he insisted he has a window seat, and Michael refuses to budge from the front seat, and I know how much you hate riding in the middle." Luke smiles softly.

"Oh, well thank you." You mumble before climbing in and buckling up.

"So, how have you been?" Luke asks after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence between the two of you.

"Fine." You answer curtly.

He lets out a nervous cough at your brashness. "How's school going?"

"Fine." You practically hiss.

You notice him shifting uncomfortably and he keeps running his hands through his hair. You know you're making him more anxious, and you smirk inwardly and mentally pat yourself on the back. He didn't get to just come back into your life like he didn't break your heart. You weren't going to let him off that easily.

"Did you ever get into that honors art program?" He plays with his fingers nervously in his lap.

"Just stop, Luke. I don't want to do this in here." You insist.

"Do what?" He questions and you can't help the laugh that escapes at his question.

"Are you kidding me, Luke? You left me in case you don't remember. You left, because you wanted to, and I quote, "explore other options." You don't have any right to ask me about my life anymore. You don't have any right to know what is going on with me. You broke my heart all because you wanted to have a little more fun, so stop trying to talk to me like we're buddies. I'll be polite to you, because I know it's important to Ashton, but we are not friends, so stop acting like we are." You hiss.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I really am. I made a mista-"

You look up to see why Luke stopped talking and before you know it you see another car's headlights coming straight towards your side. You hear the boys all yelling, and you try to scream, but it's as if your voice has escaped. You try and try but nothing comes out. You feel Luke suddenly throwing his arm across your body to protect you from the blow and then you feel it. Everything goes quiet at once, and you're swimming in darkness. Your entire body is screaming in pain, and you try to call out, but all that comes out is a soft whimper and you begin to think this is what death is like. You feel your chest tighten at the thought of your last moment with Luke would be one that made him upset. After what seems like an eternity your eyelids slowly flutter open, and you look around for the boys. You can see Ashton, Michael, and Calum sitting near an ambulance as they get checked out, and you frantically look around for Luke with the little movement you're able to use. You feel yourself beginning to panic when you can't find him when suddenly someone is by your side pulling you from the vehicle. You assume it's an EMT, but when you turn your head your met with Luke's piercing blue eyes swimming with tears. He carries you over to the ambulance and sets you down gently so you can be checked out.

"I-is she okay?" He croaks.

"Sir, I need you to have my friend here check you out too, and while he does that I'll see how your friend is doing, okay?" She offers a smile while another EMT pulls Luke aside protesting that he needs to stay by your side.

"Sir, we'll take good care of her. I promise, but right now we need to make sure you're okay." A man assures Luke as he pulls him to another ambulance.

"Okay, ma'am, I need you to follow this light with your eyes for me." Your EMT instructs. "Okay, good. You don't have a concussion. Let me just take a look at the cuts on your arms though. Does this hurt?" She asks as she presses on several parts of your arm.

You wince and reflexively pull your arm away. "A little bit."

"Well, your bone doesn't appear to be broken. I think you just suffered some cuts, but nothing that can't be healed. You and your friends are incredibly lucky." She smiles while cleaning your wounds. "All right, you're all good, but some officers will be coming over to ask you some questions in a little bit, so just hang tight here, okay?"

You nod in response, and begin to look around for Luke. He catches your gaze and cautiously makes his way over towards you. "Are you okay?"

"Just some cuts." You shrug. "How about you?"

"I only have a single cut on my arm from when the glass broke. You took the brunt of it." He eyes your bandages and a frown makes its way onto his lips.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. If you hadn't protected me then who knows if I would even be he-"

"Don't say that. Please." He chokes out before pulling you against his chest. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me." He sobs against the top of your head.

You pull back a bit, so you can look up at him. You furrow your brows in confusion. "Luke, you saved my lif-"

"No! I let you go! I let you walk out that door, because I was being a big baby after listening to the boys talk about how much they loved being single! I didn't chase after you. Even when I realized I had just lost the best thing to ever happen to me. I didn't fight for you. I didn't fight for us. I'm so sorry. I still love you so much. And look at you now! You still get hurt, and I should've put more of my body to protect you from the impact!"

You look at the boy falling apart in front of you. For so long all you wanted was to scream in his face for giving up on you, but now all you wanted to do was hold him and reassure him it would all be okay. Your heart was breaking just watching him break down in front of you. You still hadn't gotten over your break up, but you figured Luke had moved on that night.

"Hey now." You coo softly. You push some hair from his forehead and place your hand on his cheek. He places his hand on top of yours and holds it there before looking at you. "It's okay." You whisper before standing on your tip toes to press your lips against his softly. You've missed this so much. The slight cracks in his lips that you had memorized so well over the years. The way his lips molded together perfectly with yours. It felt so right, and you couldn't help but forget all of the trivial things that had happened. You knew one thing, and that was that you were in love with Luke, and he was in love with you. You felt Luke smile against your lips and you couldn't help but smile back as he pressed his forehead against yours.

"Is there any way you'd ever give me another chance?" He whispers.

"For you, Hemmings, always." You giggle.

"It's about damn time!" You hear Calum shout before the three boys erupt in whistles and applause.

"Shut up!" Luke laughs before burying his head in the crook of your neck.

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