Chp. 2 - T

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So new thing, I will open a memo on my phone type in Harry for even chapters and Vikk for odd and let my phone make a sentence as a prompt for my chapter from its first recommendations (mostly for the initial idea from which I derail). also let's pretend Harry hasn't broken his G6 phone yet...

Gen Prompt:
Harry concluded that the ad was misleading,

3:42am BST and Harry was laying in his room in the flat he shared with the two Cals, if anyone was there with him they wouldn't see much with the only light coming from his phone. The light itself was not living quite to the high levels of lux it could as scratches were appearing on the screen as despite Harry having a red silicon case, that did very little to protect the screen.

Harry however didn't pay attention to them, they were the smallest of scratches anyway... Absentmindedly Harry clicked on the Twitter app.
Without quite realising he gave the bird icon in the top right corner a quick little double tap and started scrolling through his feed. He have little interest to all the American YouTubers, Singers and other people who were currently at a reasonable hour, there were a few automated tweets from his geographically closer fellow youtubers with links to their new videos.

A few more from Josh than usual but Harry out that down to waking up late. The only tweet that Harry particularly paid attention to was one from a Vikkstar123.
Glancing at the time his phone was displaying, Harry took a time to wonder why Vikk would ever think that a time this late/early would ever be the time to be active in Twitter tweeting about his New Treasure Wars episode which was coming out as soon as it uploads...

"Vikk.... It's almost 4, get off Twitter and get to bed..." Was what Harry typed into his messaging app, before waiting, finger over the little send icon.
Harry, along with the other Sidemen, Vikk's fans and he assumed the Pack, sometimes thought Vikk would push himself a little too much. But that was Vikk, Harry would always consider, and he felt he should never be too pushy to stop something that to Vikk, was a good thing...
Pressing the home button Harry left the message app and decided a lighter approach would just be to reply to the tweet, so that's what he eventually did.
He typed out a few different times but settled in a simple;
Vikk... 4 o'clock?

With a weird feeling in his stomach Harry decided to close twitter for the time and instead distract himself from not being able to sleep by playing Cally's Caves 3. However the reson he gave himself was that if Vsauce3 recomended it, it should be good and he'd not had the time to try it yet.

4:08 am BST and Harry decided that mobile games were best left to when he was more awake. He again went on and did the social media run, Simon snapchating about how JJ woke him, a few celebs on instagra, nothing really important. Yet he paused before oppening Twitter. A second passed and Harry, unknowingly let out a small breath as he refreshed and saw that Vikk had replied.

It's not that bad, this is when I wake up!

Harry gave himself a small smile, that was, in his tiring eyes, a very Vikk thing to do. Quite sleepily he somehow managed to send out his not so coherent reply to Vikk before his search for sleep ended, phone in hand.

Sometimes, you weird Human...

Unedited, 1 in morning, Harry follows 665 people in Twitter and Preston has such a weird skin.

I wish you all good sleeps the next time you sleep...

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