Chica (+Get to Know Me Challenge)

Start from the beginning

-Sippy Cup (Melanie Martinez)

-Mad Hatter (Melanie Martinez)

-Secret (The Pierces)

-Cry Baby (Melanie Martinez)

-You're So Creepy (Nightcore)

-No Strings (FNAF)

-Pretty Little Psycho (Nightcore)

-Little Game (Nightcore)

-The Devil Within (Nightcore)

I THINK that's all of them :P They change a bit tho

Restaurant: None

Store: I hate shopping

Book: The whole Harry Potter series is pure amazingness, but I'd have to say I like Deathly Hallows and Order of the Pheonix best. J.K. Rowling is an incredible writer, and I'll be insanely happy to ever be half as good as her, seriously. #POTTERHEAD FOR LIFE

Magazine: Nup, don't read them.

Shoes: ...I mean, if they fit me and they look good, I'm okay with them... But Nike is good, and those flat sorta trainers are my style.


Feeling: Annoyed because tommorow is the torture of Italian class, and I have a crap load of homework due, but also excited to finish the picture I'm drawing currently, and dreading the science homework waiting for me. What can I say, I'm complicated...

Taken or Single: Single. I can't date until I'm 17 or something...

Eating/Drinking: O2

Listening to: A weird programme playing, and another weird programme playing in the background from another room. Weird...

Thinking: This picture of Chica looks freaking weird... -_-

Watching: The screen of my awesome iPad mini

Wearing: School uniform


Do you want to have kids?: Perhaps. Probably, even though they seem annoying to me right now. I mean, I know technically I'M a kid too, but I'm aware that I annoy my parents (even though my mum keeps insisting I don't, and I'm a pretty good kid, I guess), and I'm okay with that. Lol

Want to get married?: Maybe

Careers in mind: Author, professional manga artist, animator, illustrator (maybe), Youtuber (Either art or gaming. Probably the former) and doctor (not a paediatrician tho. Kids are annoying). I'm not really interested in medical studies or anything, I'm just in it for the money. As much as it may surprise you, I'm actually pretty smart, so I guess its possible. You need to get 97% on your ATAR test tho O.O

Do you believe in

God: I'm sorry, I support religion and beliefs, but no. I'm an atheist

Miracles: It's a miracle I got into the Gifted and Talented Program XD Seriously tho, I'd have to say... Sometimes...?

Love at first sight: No, not really. I haven't had love, of course, but it just seems, well... True love happens after a while of getting to know each other. Love at first sight seems to just be... "Oh my god he's so HOT!" Yeah...

Ghosts: No

Aliens: Well, there are millions of galaxies like our Milky Way, systems like our Solar System, stars like our Sun, and planets like our Earth... So when you look at it that way, it's actually quite probable. But they'd probably be similar to us to survive on a similar environment as us as well.

Soul Mates: ...Nah...

Heaven: No.

Hell: No.

Kissing on a first date: Yeah, I guess.

Yourself: At times. Maths test: No. Drawing Springtrap: NO. Literacy test: Yes. Screwing up at life: Yes. See?

Vesper's Art Attempt 1Where stories live. Discover now