Ch 2. What does She have that I don't?

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"Look Melissa, I know after what I told you about what he has done to me, he is a jack*ss, but if I could just make him see that I am not a girl, I am a woman, then I know he will love me." I said confidently. Melissa rolled her eyes and Esmeralda nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes Rosie, with that confidence you can conquer anything you put your mind too." Esmeralda exclaimed proudly. Melissa looked at her like she was crazy.

"You have got to be kidding?! You cannot expect this to end well; not with Evan as her husband." She turned to face me, "Look Rosie, I know that I am being negative right now, but I am also being realistic. I am telling you, this will not be a happy marriage. To him, this is just a contract that he is bound to, so to pass the time he got his lover to keep him company and you to have an image of greatness. He is at the top of the world right now and nothing is going to bring him down. He is not the type of man to fall in love, he lust; not love." She pointed out then went back to the rack of bras. Rosie soaked in what Melissa had said and Esmeralda notice this.

"Cheer up! Who knows, the plan could work." She shrugged. Melissa rolled her eyes as she shook her head. She knew what kind of man Evan is and all she had to do is wait for him to prove her right.


Once I got home I looked to see if Evan came home. Once I saw he was not I ran to our room and saw that in fact he was as I saw his brief case on the bed.

"He must be in his office." I concluded. I smiled. "Perfect timing." I said as I dumped all the bras, panties, garters belts and thongs on the bed and then pick the ones I was going to show Evan and put the rest away for a later date. Hopefully he will want me now.

"This is your time to shine Rosie. You are going to show that Donna sl*t that she should not have messed with me and to stay away from my husband." I said as I undressed and put on the lingerie set. I grabbed my short white silk robe and put it on as walked out of the room. Once I stood in front of his door I knock.

"Come in." His cold muffled voice came through door. I open the door and saw that he was looking over documents and lifted his head up to see me, he looked at me confused.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I looked at him and took a step in his office and dropped my robe on the floor. There I stood, all dressed in white; I am going to have the honeymoon I was denied two weeks ago. He stood up and slowly walked towards me. I was getting excited; maybe he was going to tell me that I looked so sexy. He then stood right in front of me I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the kiss I was dying to get to only felt the air move and my silk robe on my shoulders. I open my eyes to face Evan and he did not look amused.

"I don't know who gave you this stupid idea to do this in the first place but let me give it to you straight; even like this, I still see you as a little girl; a little girl playing dress up. You don't turn me on. It's hilarious for you to think that you're sexy in that stupid get-up." With his hand, he grabbed my cheeks and pushed them together until I looked like a puffer fish, "I am going to say to you first, so you won't think I don't have a heart. You won't even turn other men on. You are so pathetic Rose; so fu*ken pathetic." He then grabbed my arms and pushed me hard out of his office. I bumped myself on the wall, hard. I looked at him in horror. "Don't ever do this stupid stunt again!" He shouted and slammed the door. I could help but sob and ran to our room and just howl in anguish and in pain once I slammed the door closed and locked it. I grabbed my phone and dialed the only number that came to mind. The person answered.


"Can I sleep over your house Melissa?"
"Why, what happened?"

"You were right, Melissa. You were right about this sham of a marriage." I cried into the phone.

"...Come over." I hung up the phone and pack a overnight bag. But then I stopped, I grabbed my others clothes, make up, shoes, shampoo, conditioner and just put it in the guest room.

Melissa was right.

This marriage is a sham

And I am living in a nightmare

A nightmare I can't wake up from


Here is another chapter. Please read, review and vote! The more Reviews and votes I get the faster I will update and spread the word! See you guys soon ;D

*The image shown above or on the side is what Rosie was wearing to seduce Evan.

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