“I wanted food. I’m freaking hungry as hell lately”

“Ella, dear, one of the side effects of your tablets is hunger but it’s helping you put weight so I’m happy”

“Micky, what would happen if I did get pregnant from this trip? Like what would we do, keep the baby and let me die or abort it?”

“Ella, that’s an easy choice for me. I love you, a lot. I don’t wanna lose you and we can make babies at any time once you recover so that my dear, is a stupid question to ask me”

“But what if I can’t have any more babies?”

“Then we adopt. Ella, your safety is a top priority to me and I don’t care if we can’t have children, as long as you’re there, that’s all I care about”

“Ever the sweet talker, aren’t we?”

“That’s very true now eat and then we’ll go back and watch Harry Potter”

“Whatever daddy” I just shook my head at her immature insult.


  The week in Edinburgh was amazing; we were like a pair of rabid rabbits. No fans had found me out which I was quite thankful for because it made Ella stop worrying. It was either that or the boys told them where I was but not to approach me. I don’t know, it was a crazy and weird experience.

  We were almost in Windsor, back to reality but a good reality. I still haven’t broken the news to Ella about having to move to London, I’m honestly terrified about her reaction to it all. It’s just we’ve only just got married and now I’m gonna have to uproot and move, again. I’m glad we were signed but it’s the fact we have to move. I don’t know what to do, any more. I’m confused.

   We pulled up outside our house and it was in darkness, either everyone’s gone out or they’re planning a surprise party, they obviously fail if they’ve tried the party.

“Guess we have the house to ourselves tonight then”

“I doubt that Ella. Honestly, in my own opinion, they’re trying to thrown a surprise party. Since we’ve been away for a week”

“Possibly but I doubt it”

“Who knows?” I said shrugging. I don’t even know.

   Peter got our bags out the car and then drove off. I guess he had other things to do or he had family to see, I’ve no idea. He was a good driver but he was boring, conversational wise. It was like short and sweet. Our pranks didn’t really work either, the itchy powder made Ella sneeze like crazy, so she found that out, easily. The semi-permanent hair dye didn’t work either so that was a fail, the only thing left to do was the phone one but neither of us had turned our phones on. We were fine without them.

Ella’s POV

Having the whole house in darkness scared the crap out me. It’s not that I was terrified of someone attacking me; it was the fact that someone would attack me. Ok, I know that made no sense but it did to me. I was literally holding on to Micky’s hand for my dear life. It also felt like I was gonna take a panic attack because it was scary. I just hoped no one was holding anyone hostage.

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now