Part 6

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Part 6: -

Micky’s POV

I was going crazy. I was at my wits end trying to keep this secret. I’m not a very good secret keeper but I had to keep this one. I was pacing back and forth across my bedroom. I was scared in case I blurted the secret out. I’d be a horrible person if I ever did that. I wrote Ella a letter, it was the best I could do. After all she wasn’t talking to me anymore.

Dear Ella,   

                  I don’t know how to put this into words, I don’t know how to tell you this. I am sorry about everything I put you through, if I could turn back time I would but I unfortunately can’t. I’m leaving for the x factor tour tonight so you won’t see me around for a bit. I know we’ve got to move on but can we at least be friends? Try and be what we were before we were together. Ella, I miss your conversations and I miss you. If you do decide to remain friends, you know my number. It hasn’t changed. I also know some things. Don’t be mad at me when I tell you, I didn’t mean to hear what you said. I wasn’t eavesdropping, I promise that much. Ella, I know you have cancer. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop and I didn’t mean to hurt you but I know you have William now to keep you company and to help you along and I’m proud of you for finding someone to help you along. I’m not going to tell anyone your secret, I’ll keep it safe. I promise you that much, it’s the least I could do but get the treatment and get a better life. Forget about us and about what happened in the past. I know it’s hard to forget but we’ve got to try and I’m trying my hardest but there will be times where I’m unhappy but I’m going to try and work through them but Ella, live your life and be happy. Don’t dwell on the past, it’ll only make you worse. We’ll meet again some time but right now it’s goodbye for us. Maybe we’ll be together again someday but for now we’ve got to learn to fly in our own directions. Stay safe Ella.

I love you, forever and always.

    Micky xx

I parceled the letter into a envelope and walked in the direction of Ella’s house. I was literally nervous but I needed to post this, I needed to be free. I needed to tell her to follow her dreams. Maybe we will be together someday but for now, it is not meant to be. Maybe we will be apart forever but for now it’s time to live in the moment because I can’t hurt anymore and neither can Ella; she needs to focus on getting better. She needs to focus on her cancer treatment. I know I also told her I knew a cowardly way but she won’t talk to me. She won’t say two words to me and when we do talk, it results in nothing but a fight. Maybe we’ll get over the past and move forward but maybe this will hold us back. I just hope it doesn’t.

   I linger outside her front door. I’m scared to push the letter through the letterbox but I know I need to. I know I need to for this whole guilt to go away. This guilt is eating me alive and I’ve only knew the secret for less than 12 hours. How the hell am I to survive knowing it while I’m on tour? It’ll be impossible but I’m willing to give it a try. I just hope it’s enough.

   I reluctantly push the envelope through Ella’s door. I’m just scared of her reaction, maybe it’ll be enough but maybe it won’t. I just hope it is.

Ella’s POV

After last night, I’m scared. I’m scared as to who heard me talk to William. I’m scared because I’m scared that they’ll tell others. I know William’s coming round today so we can tell Lottie. I just hope she doesn’t go off on one at me but how could I tell her, she was too busy giving birth and being with Alex. Was I just meant to drop the bombshell on her that I was dying while she was giving birth? I’m not that sort of friend. I’ll never be that type of friend.

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