Chapter 20

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Keaton's POV

We've been on tour for about a month now. I've started a cycle; wake up, go to meetings, preform, etc. I love seeing all the fans, don't get me wrong, but I've been pretty bored and there's still five months left. Violet didn't come with us, which really disappointed me. Sure, we video chat heaps but it doesn't come close to seeing her in person.

Anyways, I was sitting on my bunk in the tour bus at 2am, scrolling through twitter when I felt the bus stop. We weren't supposed to be in New York for another day- we'd just left New Jersey- , so I knew it wasn't that. I shut my laptop and pulled the curtain back, peering into the small hallway that separated the rows of bunk beds. I hopped down from my bed and walked to the front of the bus. Ranel was asleep on the couch and the bus driver was filling up the tank.

I ran a hand through my hair and went back to my bunk. I shut down my laptop and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, my energy level decided to skyrocket. Lately, I haven't been able to sleep, my brain getting mixed up with the different time zones. Soon, we'd be leaving the U.S. for Europe, talk about major jet-lag.

Wes and Drew were snoring away when we finally started moving again. I listened to the soft hum of the tires on the road mixed with the snores of Wes and Drew. I now know how Violet feels when insomnia takes over her.

I stare up at the glow-in-the-dark star stickers I put on the top of my bunk. I had found them in a box in the back of my closet before we left for tour and decided to put them up. I found my iPod and put the headphones in, deciding that if I couldn't sleep, I'd listen to music for the rest of the night.


Wehn we arrived in New York, we were bombarded by fans. Ranel pushed us through the crowd and lead Wes, Drew and me to the hotel. We had about four hours until soundcheck so we were free ro roam.

"Yo Keats, Drew and I are going into town, you wanna come?" Wes asks, coming into my room. I nod and plug my laptop in the outlet to charge. I grab my phone and jacket before walking out.

When we walked out of the hotel, there was only one word to describe it: chaos. Fans were waiting for us, even though is was about 40 degrees. I took a few pictures before slipping off without anyone noticing.

I was walking along a lonesome street when I saw a homeless boy around my age playing an old, beat up guitar. He was a song I didn't recognize but it sounded pretty good. When he finished, I dropped ten dollars into a hat and smiled.

As I walked around I started to get lost. I called Wes and he gave me directions back to the hotel, which made me even more lost. Eventually, I found my way back to the hotel.

When i got to the room, Wes and Drew were on the couch facing my laptop. "Keats, come here," Drew says waving me over.

When I sat down, I was greeted by Violet's warm smile. "How's the tour going?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Pretty hectic but awesome over all." Violet smiled.

"That's good. Where are you guys now?"

"New Yoooooork!" Wes yelled from the kitchen. He came back and sat down with a bottle of water. Drew and Wes after about twenty minutes to go to the gym. Violet and I talk for an hour more until she had to go. I exited oout of Skype and logged onto Tumblr. Fans had made heaps of gifs of me and Violet together before we left for tour.

I smiled at a picture of me and Violet hugging right befire I went on the tour bus for the tour. The caption underneath the picture said,

They need a ship name.

I scrolled through Tumblr then checked Twitter. I love having as many fans as we do, but I lot of them are really mean, especially on Twitter.

I logged out of Twitter and plugged my laptop in to charge. I grabbed my jacket and rode with Wes and Drew in the car to sound check.


A/N" Please don't hate me for going MIA. My last day of school is tomorrow (May 29th) so I should be updating more often. Please don't hate me! This is just a filler chapter and the story should be wrapping up soon. Also, can you guys think up a ship name for Violet and Keaton?? I'm completely brain dead.

Peace xxxx

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