Chapter 17

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Keaton's POV

I'm greeted to chaos when I walk through the door. I leave my board by the door and walk through the maze of bottles, clothes and food. I yell that I'm home to Mom and walk up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I collapse onto my bed and stare at the ceiling, wating for my brain to slow down. The world felt like it was moving in fast motion while I was in slow motion, if that makes any sense.

Zuni jumps up and lays at the end of the bed, snoring happily. I laugh and sit up, plugging my iPod into the dock. Music plays through the speakers that I rigged at the end of the bed, waking Zuni up. I laugh and start to clean; picking up clothes and moving computer/editing equipment. Wes comes in and sits on the bed, holding Sampson.

"Hey, Keats, can we talk?" Wes asks, turning off the music.

Well this is awkward. "Uh, sure." I sit next to him on the bed and he takes a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want Violet to come on tour? I mean, it's not that I don't like her, she's real chill, but it kind of seems like it'll be too much for her, y'know?"

I close my eyes, and take in what my brother just said. "I get it. I might be hard, for both of us."

"You're in too deep, bro. You fell hard and you fell fast for Violet, don't you think you're taking this too fast?"

"I don't know."

Violet's POV

I'm dead. Not exactly, but close. My spirirt it detachted from my body, I'm seeing without being in my physical self. I see Keaton, Jake, the twins, Mom and Dad, Leila and Dani. The all have the same somber look on their faces, in their eyes. Wes and Drew are there too, but they don't look as broken, but still very upset.  

"Guys, I'm still here!" I yell, but it's a lost cause. They can't hear or see me. It's like I'm a ghost... Maybe that's waht I am, just another spirirt stuck roaming the earth with unfinished business. "No, I can't think like that, I have to get back to them..." I whisper to myself.

They look so heartbroken, like they're all blaming theirselves for the same thing. Like they're all blaming themselves for my being this way...

I'm shaken away from my dream, if you could call it that. Jake is standing over me, his arms crossed over his chest. I wipe my eyes with the backs of my hands and sit up. "What?"

Jake uncrosses his arms. "Leila and Dani are downstairs, they said to wake you up when I told them that you were asleep. So I woke you up."

I groan and reluctently pull the covers off of myself. I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, stretch, and walk out of my room behind my brother. I can see Leila and Dani standing in the doorway, waiting for my arrival.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Dani says grinning. I slap his arm and ask why they were here.

"We haven't seen you in forever and we still don't know if you're going on tour for like, 6 months! Is it now a crime to want to see your best friend?" Leila says, hugging me tightly.

"No, it's not. I truly did miss you guys, but did you have to come so early?" I ask, messing with my already dishevled hair.

Dani looks at me with wide eyes, "Vi, it's almost 11:00am. Jake's been trying to wake you up for almost an hour."

I curse under my breath and tell my friends to stay put while I change. I bolt up to my room, pull on jean short-overalls, a superman tee and my red vans. I keep my red gauges in and run a brush through my tangles hair.

I grab a few granola bars and my skateboard and head out with my friends. I eat the granola bars before dropping my board and keeping a pace with Leila and Dani. We walk- or skate for me- all over town and finally stop at the beach. I jerk to a stop and keep one foot on my board. I stand next to Dani as his boyfriend comes up and walks with us.

I kick off and pick up speed as a bench gets closer. I grind the bench and kick flip over a few steps. I wait for Leila, Dani and Noah to catch up before slowing my pace to math theirs.

"Hey, guys, look over ther," Leila says, pointing towards a big crowd yelling; obviously egging on a fight. I pick up my board and walk over to the fight. As I get closer, I can see that it's a chick fight.

I elbow my way through the crowd and hand my board to Leila. I step into the fight and detach a girls hand from the other's hair. Blood is spattered on the concrete, probably from one of the girls' nose's. "Violence is not the answer, so whatever the fuck you gusy did to each other, I'm sure you can go watch some Dr. Phil, get some advice and talk it the fuck out. Now break this clusterfuck up."

The crowd disapates and it's just me, Leila, Dani and Noah. Noah stares at me like I'm a god and Dani looks surpirsed, "Vi, I didn't know you swore like that!"

I shrug, "I don't like fights so when one is going on, I tend to swear. It's a trait I picked up from Jake."

We continue walking and it turns out to be a pretty decent day, despite the fight I had to break up. The beach was crowded so we went to the peir and just chilled on the dock. It was the fist time in a while that I actually relaxed and felt chill.


A/N: Nothing really happened in this chapter, which is why it's just a filler. I am extremely sorry for the wait but school is killing me and the rule always was that school comes first. I'll try to get another chapter up in a week. I'm thinking about wrapping this up, but not any time soon. I'm aiming for around 30 chapters so there's still a way to go. I changed my twitter to @StoryNever_Ends so, yeah, go check it out. That's about it...

Peace xxxxx

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