Chapter 13

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*Violet's POV will be before and after the event that Wes was talking about in the last chapter*

Violet's POV

Free. That's how I feel when I'm skateboarding. The rush of the wind, the smooth pavement, the adrenaline. It feels amazing. I do a 360 kickflip over some stairs, landing perfectly. I circle back towards the skate park, picking up speed. I head for the bowl, not slowing down. My heart is racing, adrenaline is pumping through my veins. I make it in and skate around it for a bit. I do a few tricks here and there before getting a call from Mom, saying that I need to head home.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead and kick up my board. I climb the sides of the bowl and start the walk home. I take in the sunlight and the gentle breeze, enjoying the peace. I watch from the corner of my eye as guys stand and gawk at me. Being the only girl within a 10 mile radius who skates is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing- I can challenge any dumbass who thinks girls can't skate and show him up. Curse- It heightens my chances for being hit on by pervs.

I take my iPod from my back pocket and put the headphones in. I skip along to the beat, softly humming the words. The music floods my ears, I do awkward dances as I make my way home. I see Dani and Leila and they walk home with me, keeping the banter up, filling me in on what's happening at school.

"Ok, so you totally missed a full-on cat fight yesterday. It was epic! Lauren Hayfield and Serrena Black fought over Reed Jackings." Leila says. Dani nods in agreement, "They didn't even pull hair! It was a full fist fight. Someone would've ended up in the hospital if Mr. Williams hadn't broken it up."

"Wow, as much as I love drama, I think it's  better that I wasn't there," I say sarcastically. I absolutely hate drama, it's too sticky. I like watching it go down when it's over something so stupid it's funny. But I have a history of getting into heated arguments with Lauren Hayfield and Serrena Black. They always fight over boys, and once I stepped in saying that they were both better off without Kenny Young, the biggest manwhore in Huntington. Lauren started to throw a punch, I easily blocked it. Serrena was too shocked that I had even spoken to her (she has a reputation of being so cool to be in the presence of outcasts) that she didn't do a thing.

We talk for a while, even after I had made it home. They ended up staying for dinner but left around 5:30. I lie on my bed, reading the latest book in the Witch and Wizard series. Yes, I am a closet book worm, but I don't think it's something to be ashamed of.

Later, I bound down the stairs and find a smoothie on the table with a card.

"Violet, I made smoothies while you were reading and I saved you one. I hope you don't mind that Dad and I took the twins out to the movies (It's a kiddie movie anyways). Jake should be home around ten. Love, Mom" I read aloud. I drank the smoothie, and it tasted off for some reason. I shoot Mom a text asking what the smoothie had in it. She replied and the color drained form my face. She had put mangoes in it, which I am highly allergic to. I call her telling her to come home ASAP.

I run to the fridge, searching for a water bottle. When I find one, I drain the bottle before my throat starts to close. Then, everything goes black.


"She's starting to come to...." A voice says, relief in their tone. Bright colors dance behind my eyelids. I slowly peel my eyes open, seeing dark silhouette against the blinding lights.

"W-what's going on?" My throat's dry and it hurts to talk. The figures backed away and my vision slowly regain focus. I could see a doctor, my parents, Keaton, Wes and Drew. Mom was in tears and the doctor was explaining what had happened, but I couldn't seem to listen. Keaton squeezes my hand and I tune back into the doctor, "... We'll get you some water, but you'll have to stay for a bit longer so we can run some tests."

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