Chapter 10

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Keaton's POV

I wake up to the blinding sun. I open my eyes and start to panic. Where was I?? I look over to see Violet snuggled up against me. Oh, right. I had fallen asleep here. Shit. Mom's probably called the cops already. I send a quick text to Wes, explaining to him that I had crashed at Violet's and to tell Mom that. I try to get out of bed and not wake Violet up, but she turns over and opens her eyes.

"Good morning, " She says with a smile. God, that smile.

"Morning, " I say, returning the smile. Violet tries to stand and winces in pain. I instantly walk over to her and pick her up bridal style. She nestles her head into the crook of my neck and I walk her downstairs. Violet lets her hands slip form my neck at the bottom of the stairs. She goes to move a math book off of the dining room table.  Her mom thought it'd be best if she finished the school year off with home school.

"Keaton, can I ask you something?" She asks, breaking the silence. Her face is serious.

"Uh, yeah sure."

She looks at the ground, her cheeks becoming red. She takes a deep breath, "Are we... y'know, a couple?" There must've been shock on my face, because her cheeks become redder, "I mean, you don't have to answer it it you don't want t-" I cut her off with a kiss. She kissed me back but I could tell she was surprised. I was pretty surprised, myself. We broke apart and Violet looked me in the eyes.

"I guess that means we are a couple...?" She asks, biting her lip. I nod my head and jump away when Jake walks in. He gives us a weird look and walked to the coffee pot. I look at the ground and shuffle my feet when my phone goes off.

From: Wes

Hey, meet us @ the beach in 1 hour?

I stare at the phone in my hand before replying.

To: Wes

Ok, see u there.

I sit next to Violet at the table when her Mom walked in. "Keaton, will you be staying for breakfast?" She asks while rummaging through the cupboards.

"Actually, I'm supposed to meet my brother in an hour so I think I'll just grab breakfast on the way there." I say, holding Violet's hand and intertwining our fingers. Her Mom turns to look at me, "Nonsense, you can stay here for ten minutes to eat. Then you can go meet your brother." I looked over to Violet and Jake said, "She does this to everyone who stays over. Especially Violet's friends."

Vioelt laughed, "The only people who have slept over are your weird jock buddies, Leila and Dani. And Your friends always made messes that I had to clean." They started to argue and Drew texted me,

From: Drew

Keaton!!! U gotta get down here bro, the waves R sick as!

To: Drew

Vi's Mom is making me stay. Be there in a bit.

I sent the text and Violet's mom put a bowl of cereal in front of me. We ate in silence until the twins came in and said, "You guys are cereal killers!!!" Violet and I cracked up and Jake just looked at us funny. We settled down when I said that I had to get going. Jake offered to drive and I took him up on it, considering I had no other way of getting home. Violet was walking okay so she went to get changed and tagged along.


"Dude! Come on, you're missing out on the waves!!" Wes calls out from the ocean as soon as he spots me and Violet. I repositioned my board as I made my way out to the water while Violet went to find a spot not occupied by beach bums. She was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. You could just barely see the scars on her legs and arms.

I shook the thought from my head and duck dived into the water. The beach was full but barely anyone was in the water. From what I could see it was only me, Wes, Drew and a couple of guys who looked like douches. On of the them wolf whistled at Violet and I wanted to strangle him. She's a girl, not a dog.

"Just leave it alone Keaton. Violence never solved anything," Drew said, reading my mind.

"Whatever," I mumbled under my breath and paddled out to a wave. I stood at just the right time and rode it perfectly. I looked over to the douche bags, who were busy bailing left and right. I stifled a laugh and went to catch another wave. The entire time I was surfing, I thought of Violet. Were we a couple? I mean, who really decided that two people were officialy dating if one hadn't asked out the other?

I rode a wave to shore and grabbed a towl from next to Violet. She looked up from her book and smiled at me. "Hey, how're the waves?"

I smile back, "Amazing! You know, I could teach you how to surf if you want." I say, sitting down next to her. She blushes and closes her book, "I don't know... Leila's cousin tried teaching me and I was terrible. Plus I kinda like just watching from the sidelines."

Her phone rings and when she sees the text, her face gets pale. What is it?" I ask, trying to see. "It's nothing, Keaton. I'm fine." If there's one thing I've ever learned is that when I girl says she's fine, she really isn't. I take the phone from her and find this,

From: unknown

Happy Valentine's Day, bitch. Hope your heart gets broken.

I'm boiling with rage. Who could say that?! Why would they say that?!

I looked Violet in the eyes. "Violet, tell me, do you know who sent this? Tell me, please." She bites her lip and looks at the sand.

"One of the girls who bullies me...." Her voice is barely above a whisper. I can feel the anger rising in my chest. I knew I wouldn't hurt a girl, but I had to do something to Violet's bullies. There was no way I would just sit back and watch this. I hadn't realized that my fist was clenched until Vioelt put her hand on top of mine.

"Keaton, please, calm down. I can deal with this. I have for six years. Don't worry about it." Her voice was soft.

"Six years?! Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" I ask, starting to calm down. There was no way I would stop worrying about Violet.

Wes and Drew rode waves into shore and we packed up. On the way back home, Violet rested her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes, letting the music fill the silence.

In your tears and in your blood,

 In your fire and in your flood,

 I hear you laugh, I heard you sing,

 "I wouldn't change a single thing."

The wheels just keep on turning,

 The drummers begin to drum,

 I don't know which way I'm going,

 I don't know what I've become.

For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come,

 Until my days, my days are done.

 Say you'll come and set me free,

 Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

 Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

 Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me.

All I could think about was that Violet was bullied for six years. Six. Years. I knew I wouldn't not do anything about it. But as my mind started to settle, I focused on the fact that I actually had a girlfriend.


A/N: Ok, so I had to change some minor details in one of the previous chapters so that I could fit this one in. Sooo, thoughts? Shout out to mah frnd Vev who made me an imagine for my Valentine's day gift. Happy Valentines Day!

Twitter: @StayPunkUnicorn

Peace out xxxx

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